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Thanks for the welcome people, always nice to meet new and interesting people especially when a hobby is involved. I hope to eventually meet some of you some day.
Until then...gone fishin'
hopefully catchin' too.......
Man, that sounds so nice, been stuck up here doing "Going to spend my first winter on this piece of ground, el.3,000' " chores and no fishing at all !! [unimpressed] . I come here alot now to just see the pics and kinda live it through all the great stories until get on top of a few things. Sure love to see pics if you have a camera, heard so much about your guys' fishing in the truck stops, never saw a drop of water, thanks, BFS

.... [inline Banks.jpg]here's a pic of my favorite water around here, Banks Lake. there is distant water, past that gap, and about 300 feet lower and is Lake Roosevelt, the part of the Columbia backed up by Grand Coulee Dam which is right back in there too. Banks has it's water pumped up to it by the dam and is the giant reservoir for a huge chunk of Eastern WA wheat farming, dunno if fishing is better than anywhere else but this lake sure is a looker. That boat you see is rush hour, that's what I love most, nobody uses it ???? [fishin]

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