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hi im new fishing in montgomery county pa
hi im new i fish[fishin] in montgomery couty
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there FF and welcome to the BFT. Also thank you for taking the time to register. Oh when one's monica is rather long I use the initials. Saving my strength for flicking flies. BTW what kind of fishing are you into and what kind of gear?[/size][/#008000][/font]
Hiya FF and welcome to the BFT. This is a great place to sit and relax and talk about things fishing. The free exchange of information (comments and questions) between members is the key to the sites success.. so please.. feel free to make comments and ask questions as the need arises....

We have boards on all types of fishing and individual state boards to help you find out about information local to you.. here is a link to the [url ""]PA[/url] board that you may find useful..

Again.. welcome to the BFT..

MacFly [cool]
Welcome to the site Josh. I see you like Bowfin, I wasn't sure what they were so I looked them up and here is what I came up with:
[inline bowfin.jpg]

Interesting fish, must be hard to catch[Wink]. WH2

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