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Hello dear readers,
Last few days a had searched for a site where i can write and put my own pictures with my catch.I WANT TO BE PROUD WITH MY CATCH.Also there you can find everything you want about fishing.
I like;it vert much.What is your oppinion about the blog?Do you had posted your story and pics?
I wait for your oppinios. Thanks

[#bf0000]Sorry no links permitted prior to having a minimum of 15 posts. Kindly direct your attention to FAQ for further clarification of the BFT rules & regulations.[/#bf0000]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there silviu89 and welcome to the BFT. Where do you fish & what species do you target?[/size][/#008000][/font]
Welcome to the site Silviu89, thanks for taking the time to sign up on BFT. As is the case of most web sites we have rules and if you look at the post you first made you will see that Dryrod deleted your link. the reason behind this rule is to keep people from coming on the site for no other reason than to spam it. If you want us to tell you what we think of your blog, your best approach would be to post it as a report on one of the related boards. Also because blogs are considered competition with BFT they are not allowed. As Dryrod said please take the time to read the rules of BFT at the sticky post at the top of this board and follow the link. Thanks for understanding.

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