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yuba yuba yuba
well tubedude that must have been u passing us this morning we were the green tent. good to here u did good. we did good there too. got to oasis boat ramp at 7 took the wheeler to walleye point and got the heater going burrrr it was cold. caught 9 over 12in and then they quit bitting. left and went just north of the dam. caught 10 there with one 13 incher and 9 at 12 inches was getting ready to leave and snag one more for our 2 limits great day to be on the ice wish i could have met ya td maybe next time. thanks pikeman for all the help on how to catch those big hogs. hooked 4 life i found your pole on the way in today. just im me or check your reply column i left my numer their for you. yuba rocks
[cool][#0000ff]"Ships passing in the night"...or wheelers passing in the freezing fog. Same difference. Sorry we didn't meet up but it is not our policy to run over to everybody with a shelter just to check IDs. Likely to get shot by some touchy folks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you got there early enough to find the rod. We were gonna look for it but figured that since your truck was already there you would have found it if it was findable. (is that a word?) Hope you are able to get it to the rightful owner. Good on ya.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you guys got some fish too. By the way, I edited your numbers to read 10 instead of 17. The math was off so I figured it was a typo.[/#0000ff]

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