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Feb 22, 2009 Lake Mead
Hit the water at 5:00 am. Started to troll the beach and about half way down hooked up on my first fish about 3 lbs. Then the sun attempted to rise but there was a lot of cloud cover.
[inline Image004.jpg]

Next went to Crawdad cove and trolled picked up two more fish. A 5.6 and 4.2 pounder. Back to the beach and caught one more 2 lber. Then the wind started to blow time to go and clean some fish.
[inline Image005.jpg]
They were nice healthy fish only one fish had a trout in her belly.

I was out there on Sunday morning fishing in the harbor, and over by the water intake on Saddle island. I showed up late (about 7am) and couldn't get a rise out of a fish no matter what I did. I tossed jigging spoons, crankbaits, topwaters, bomber long A's, Storm swimbaits in 4" shad and 6" rainbow, and I even threw out anchor, chummed a bunch and soaked some sardines for a while, with NOTHIN....
Damn I cant wait for 62 degree water.....

On the brighter side, Sunday morning was friggin beautiful! While I was there, I had glassy waters, no wind, completely overcast, and it was almost 60 degrees outside.

I got checked by a warden for the first time this year! With 6 days to spare.

Awesome catch Stripercraze! Good job on some healthy fish!
Those are some nice looking fish, great job! I cant recall last time i saw that number of stripers all in such great shape. Fat fish, nice.

So a warden huh? I see more bigfoot than them, but thanks for the reminder...

HEY GUYS OUR LICENSES ARE UP IN A FEW DAYS! I have been getting mine online and just printing them up for the last few years, the first time i got checked the chick thought i was full of it, she had never seen one before and did not even know you could print them at home.... had to "call it in". They are all pretty much on board now with what they are now. Note there is a 2$ fee to do it online, but heck it goes to a good cause i guess.
It is also a good Idea to make copies. And buy on-line or go to there office. If you get them anywhere else and that place does not turn there sold booklets in to NDOW. You could be out of luck if you need a replacement.

If you buy direct from NDOW and you loose your license. You can get a replacement for 8 dollars. If any outside vendor does not turn in the books to NDOW you will have to pay full price.

Yup that is 100% correct. That exact thing happened to a friend, he did everything he should have and the vendor did not turn in their books, so when they ran him it showed he did not have a license when he did... best to deal with NDOW direct I think. Good points.
Success! Nice fish, great report with pics.

I went out on Saturday, anchored in 100' of water at Boxcar, chummed a ton, resulting in nothing worthy to report.
Well this season at walnart when I got my license they had a new computer that was wired up in the hunting section that was hooked up to a little printer that prints out your license and they look you up in the data base from you driver license number.
Checked by Fish and Game about that time - three days before license expiration. Complete boat and license and registration check. Don't mind ; we need to have those officers around more to curb the crazies soon arriving.
Bass Pro also issued computer printed license.
I really like the new wallet-friendly design

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