03-05-2009, 01:27 PM
ASF research staff are now undertaking preparations for the at-sea research that is being so effective in unravelling the mystery of salmon migration and helping us understand Atlantic salmon mortality at sea. The dinner proceeds help support this cutting edge research.
ASF volunteers and staff are in the midst of delivering eggs to more than 600 schools that participate in the Fish Friends program. The deliveries are completed in Connecticut and Maine, are underway in Nova Scotia; and will soon be underway in New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
Read more about one set of deliveries in Nova Scotia at:
Dams are always a hot issue in Atlantic salmon conservation. Now there appears to be a new way to assess how much damage takes place to the brains of young salmon as they descend through or past dams. An interesting read in the NY Times.
Aquaculture continues in the news. Nova Scotia's Port Mouton residents are concerned that expanding fish farms may not have sufficient water movement to avoid degradation of the seafloor.
There is also concern about impact on other species.
In aquaculture's wider context, there is concern for the sustainability of small fish species used as feed as the UN calls for more fish farming.