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Shot me a hog!
Here is the story.[Image: cool.gif]
We met the guides at 10am in Corinne and headed out into the swamp/grass/shrubery. When we got there we loaded up our guns(my muzzy and Justin had a 12 ga. with slugs. I also had my 40 XD just in case.[Image: sly.gif]
We started out into the 1500 acres bordered by the Bear river on one entire side. We spotted some sheep and rams about 300 yards out and kept walking. We pushed through some big patches of willow-looking bushes and walked about a mile. The guides saw a couple large pigs off about 300 yards. They were feeding back the way we came but on the other side of a pond. We moved backwards to head them off and they once again turned and headed the way they came from. We beat feet and got within 100 yards only to have them drop over a bluff. We hurried over to the spot and they were directly below us and a little to the left about 50 yards in heavy cover. After a 50 yard sprint we were in position but they kept moving. After another 20 yards they were both in the clear offering head shots. Justin fired his slug and his pig dropped instantly. The other one turned and was inspecting his when i fired my Omega and clipped his ear. The sharp downhill angle got me. He didn't do anything so i dropped my muzzy and grabbed the pistol and started charging him. I got within 25' and he turned and saw me. As he was getting ready to run at me i fired and hit him right under the eye. He veered off to the right and i shot 2 more times. After that he turned at me again and then i put him down with another 2 rounds. Hogs on the ground! It was an absolute rush!!!! It was actually funner with the pistol the way it happened.[Image: smile.gif]
Some still pics and more video and then the guides cleaned and winched them in the truck. All total we hunted about an hour and the cleaning took about 30 minutes.
On the way out we saw 3 more hogs with one over 500#!. Off to the butcher and the hunt was over. It was a freaking blast! I will do it again in a heartbeat.[Image: wink.gif] My wife is next on the list. I think she would love it.
I want to say thanks to my boss for doing this hunt for me. I also want to tell everyone that this is a very fun hunt and the pigs are as wild as they can be under the circumstances. There were 32 pigs on the property and we only saw 5. It is not an easy, lame hunt like some people said. I would give the hunt an 8 out of 10 and i will be back.The butchering takes 2 weeks and we each will have over 200# of pork in the freezer. Enjoy the videos and pics. [Image: cool.gif]

Here is video #1, kinda fuzzy but you can hear and see the pigs get shot. The last 5 shots are me standing 25' from my hog when i shot it with my pistol.
[url ""][/url]
Here is #2. WARNING: Graphic content not suitable for younger audiences.
[url ""][/url]
This is the sheep we saw. A couple good rams in there.
[url ""][/url]

[inline "two down.JPG"][inline "bacon with the 40.JPG"]

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[cool]Thanks for the ram footoage Brody! When do you expect to get your meat from the butcher? I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
A week from thursday i should get it back. I can't wait!
Those are gonna make some tasty pork chops.

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