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Venice Tuna Hunting
[left][font "Arial"][size 3]We have an open boat for Wednesday and Thursday! The sea's will be 1-2 ft!!

Also have two boats open for this weekend! Friday, Saturday and Sunday![/size][/font][/left]
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[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]Sat & Sun April 4th & 5th[/size][/font]

[font "Arial"][size 3]Saturday was a little on the rough side! We were looking for [url ""][#0000ff]tuna[/#0000ff][/url], ended up running a good bit with nothing to show for it. The water was dirty and the current was strong. After a few hours of tuna hunting, we decided to put some meat in the boat. With large [url ""][#0000ff]mullet[/#0000ff][/url] and hardtail we were able to head home with a nice box of [url ""][#0000ff]amberjack[/#0000ff][/url]. A couple of them around 50 pounds!

Sunday everone canceled except for my crew and Capt Josh with Super Strike! Josh and I talked out a plan before leaving [url ""][#0000ff]Venice[/#0000ff][/url] Marina, we all thought it would be super rough but that wasnt the case at all! In fact, it was beautiful! Big long rollers!

I decided to put meat in the box first this time! We stopped at one of my favorite amberjack spots and before lunch we had a limit of [url ""][#0000ff]AJ[/#0000ff][/url]'s with the largest being 70 pounds! We even had an almaco jack that was 4 pounds shy of a state record!

After we had ice on the jacks, we went looking for tuna! The first spot was the right spot!! The boat was still in gear when I saw the first tuna jump! We got the [url ""][#0000ff]angry popper[/#0000ff][/url] down, missed the first hook up but the second throw would prove to be the deadly one! After 20 mins, I stuck the gaff in a 75 pound [url ""][#0000ff]yellowfin[/#0000ff][/url]! Because we got to the spot late in the day, we were only able to catch three yellows and one black but the fish were everywhere! We had to leave them biting! With the right live bait, we would have filled every box on the boat! [/size][/font]

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I fished last Wednesday and I have spent almost a week trying to figure out how to sugar coat the trip but I cant do it, so here you go!!!


I ran far, I just knew it would pay off!! NOPE!! We left out of [url ""][#0000ff]South Pass[/#0000ff][/url], stopped at Elf, nothing, ran to the tower, dead, over to Thunder Horse, no bait, then to another floater next to Thunder Horse, Not a fish! Talked to a huge crew boat captain there, he said he has not seen a fish in weeks there, even at night!!! Not what I wanted to hear!! Back to elf!! Plenty of blackfin taking a jig, Plenty of [url ""][#0000ff]barracuda[/#0000ff][/url] taking blackfin & JIG!!

We could not catch a break! Stopped at another rig to pick up a few jacks and [url ""][#0000ff]grouper[/#0000ff][/url] but only found a few almaco!!! Nice Boat Ride!!

I am glad that is out of the way!! The water was beautiful at the tower and thunder horse, just no fish and no bait!! Shouldnt take much longer! The water temp was 75 deg and I did see a good bit of grass, so there is hope!! HA HA!!

We are catching [url ""][#0000ff]tuna[/#0000ff][/url] but not there yet! Maybe another week or so!! The trick right now is BAIT BAIT BAIT!
If you have the right bait and you find the fish, you are set!!

The summer is almost here!! Water is warming up, fish are moving in, I hope the wind is going away! We have two boats this year so we have plenty of open dates! If you have large groups, we have you covered!

[url ""][#0000ff]Snapper[/#0000ff][/url] season opens June 1st, opening day is still open!

Capt Josh Howard
[url ""][#22229c][/#22229c][/url]
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