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Biting my tongue
Ok ive been biting my Tongue but I think its time to say something now. [mad][mad][mad]

Ive been trying to be a well rounded fisherman and have been doing some bass fishing. I mostly fly fish but I grew up bait fishing and wanted to come full circle.

As of recently Ive been hitting a a few lakes up north, Mantua, Newton, Willard. I no longer have a boat (execpt a inflatable pontoon) and have been shore fishing for the last few years. These last few outings it never seems to fail some NIMROD in his boat comes cruising over and drives right over were Im casting OR anchors literally feet from were Im standing. [#0000bf]Deleted[/#0000bf] !!! I know you bass fisherman are working the shoreline same as me but your in a FREAKING BOAT you have access to the entire lake. Skipping a 20 foot section isn't going to hurt you. I know when I'm walking the shoreline and I see a boat fishing a section I keep on walking I don't stop walk down the shore and starting fishing right at your boat.

I will say there have been a few at Mantua that are very respectful seen me on the shore line and went around me If your one of these guys then Id like to buy you a beer or a soda whatever (its utah[cool]...)

I'm to the point were Im going start tying some old 4oz pyramid sinkers I used on my boat those things shoot like juggernauts If you close enough for me to hit from the shore YOUR BAD I spoke with a ranger TODAY at willard and he agrees if a boat is close enough for you to hit with a cast there to close to the shore. [mad][mad][mad]
i throw rocks.... personally.. and big ones, that usually gets their attention.
Some time ago I was fishing Mantua over by where the creek comes in. I was in my little aluminum boat, this clown comes up in a canoe & anchors right where I was casting. I thanked him for his courtesy and he replied something to the effect that maybe some day I could have the whole lake to myself, turned his back to me & started fishing. I was fishing flies behind a bubble so I just unclipped my flies off the bubble & burned a cast at his head. Bad aim. Hit him in the middle of the back albeit hard enough to shatter the bubble. That canoe took off like it had a 25 hp. outboard on it. I got to wondering if he might not be going after a gun but I never saw him again. In retrospect I realize that was a chicken---- stunt I pulled but it sure felt good at the time.
That's how I feel about water skiers, I throw daredevils a real long ways. When I troll I always try and go around where the shore fisherman are at.
That happened to me on Newton this spring. I was fishing up in the backwaters in a small area in my float tube. Two bass boats came in and started fishing. I decided to move to work down the shore a little bit, and the boats came down and flanked me on either side. So now I've got a boat on either side about 20 feet away working the water. So I get out around them and move down to another spot. They move down close to this area next. This whole time I've kind of had to pee, and suddenly it becomes more urgent. Well, of course they park themselves right in front of the one little hole in the brush where I can get out (and where my car is parked), and start working this one fish for a good 20 minutes or more. I know they had no way of knowing I had to go and that they were blocking my exit, but already being annoyed with them, it just made it that much worse. In any case, I haven't been back to Newton since. And don't even get me started on the skiers.[mad]
I just can't stand kayakers on the Weber. Without a doubt they will spin around to rest in an eddy, which just happens to be a good deep fishing hole. I have to admit that it does look like a lot of fun however. (wonder if I could carry my ice fishing pole in a kayak???)
That happened to my woman and me last fall at the berry, we get to this spot where we have to hike in quite aways from the road and it was 6am so it was dark and fog bank that the berry always has in the fall, well we get to are spot and start fishin then we hear this boat coming closer and what do you know!! right in front of us out of the fog where they can really see us throw out there anchor and start fishin! I couldn't believe they had the whole lake and they come right in our area!!! JERKS...

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