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carp fishing with a fly rod
i heard about using a fly rod for carp and would like to try. does anyone have anything i need to know or any suggestions. thanks
Good question.

The fly fishing thing seems to be a new trend. Catching large fish on a fly rod.

I haven't tried it but I bet it's very exciting fishing.

As the knowledge gets better everyone is getting tired of using the latest "technology" to HAUL in the fish with no fight or chance for the fish to win.

So I can see how this is a new exciting fishing experience.

I might have to give this a try.
I have hammered carp with a purple woolly worm when the mulberry trees are ripe.
Last weekend I floated the snake river for 3 miles and got several catfish and a couple of carp on my ultra light. I was using 4 pound test and worms. Ron
I would suggest trying a "bonio fly" its made out of deer hair and is supposed to resemble bread or dog biscuts lol. If you don't want to go artificial, just use a small piece of dry floating bread.

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