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Fish Kill in Bloomfeild on the rouge river
around the square lake and teligraph area in Bloomfeild hundreds of fish turned belly up yesterday on the rough river.

the DEQ and DNR were out taking water and fish samples to see what the cause was.

They wont leave no lilly pad unturned till they find the cause. the DEQ will be checking the water for contamination, which is the popular cences because the kill was rapid and hit every species in the river.

The DNR is taking samples of the fish to have them tested for desease and chemical contamination as well

so in the mean time the residents along that river will have to put up with the smell and pestalins that come with decaying carcases...
I forgot to mention, It may be a good idea to stay from fishing down river of bloomfeild. Especialy if you are targeting suckers and carp. We do know that the Redhorse have started thier run....
i heard about that... we had that on tyler creek a few years back..also on glass creek...both incidents were eventually traced to local dairie farms..who new that to many cow patties could kill that many fish...i know this area on the rouge and there are are a couple farms on the river in that streach..not getting down on the farmers but they might wanna keep the cow pastures away from the edge of the river...the dnrs fines are pretty steep..residents wont be happy either..
all the farms in bloomfeild are gone now, have been for years, there used to be a comunity petting farm, but that has gone now as well, not even one hobby horse farm left in bloomfeild any more....

If I ever hear the end result of the reports I will post them here... I for one wanna know, and I dont even live there, Been a long time since I fished it, at least 35 years.

I used to fish for suckers there with my dad many many moons ago.....
I have to admit I am truly surprised to see we got an answer on this one, Usualy I hear we will look in to it and I never hear anything about it ever again...

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. (WXYZ) - Officials have determined what killed a large number of fish in the Rouge River earlier this week.

Sources say staff at the Stonycroft Hills Club in Bloomfield Hills came forward to say a chemical used at their facility was discharged into a storm drain that leads to the affected tributary.

An investigation by the Department of Environmental Quality, Water Bureau found that 240 ounces of Daconil Ultrek Turf Care mixed with 90 gallons of water was dumped into the storm drain. Daconil Ultrex Turf Care contains chlorothalonil, a fungicide used by many golf courses.

The Material Safety Data Sheet for Daconil Ultrex Turf Care indicates that it is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Officials say they were able to determine that the club was the source of the chemical because, while dead fish were found downstream of the facility, no dead fish were found upstream.

Dumping a chemical like Daconil Ultrex Turf care is a violation of Part 31 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act of 1994. Anyone found guilty of a violation of the act could face thousands of dollars in fines.

The investigation into this week's fish kill is still ongoing. Stonycroft is required to submit a written response to the charges to the Department of Environmental Quality by August 14.

The response must describe the incident, what emergency responses were taken and what the club will do in the future to prevent a situation like this from occurring again.

Click on link to view vidio feed

[url ""]River of Dead Fish Traced to Golf Club[/url]
its not good news on the fish kill but it is kind of refreshing to se the dnr on top of things for once..i wanna hear what the plans are to clean up this mess...
it should be on the vidio feed, usualy the vidio feed is the same as what I see on tv.

in short, the golf corse is said to have hired a cleam up crew that is susposed to go in to the storm drain and clean it,

now what I dont know is what they mean by clean it, do they mean suck it out with a hose or flush it out with several hundred million gallons of water?

and what about the stuff already in the river, we know that its going to flow out in to the stclair detroit watter way eventualy. What happens to all the fish along the way, do they just pray that it becomes deluted enuff that it only makes the fish sick and unfit to eat half way to the big waters?

It seems to me that no matter what they do, the dammage is done. ya maybe they can restock the river in a few months, and if so, are they going to flood the river with carp or restock it back to its natural state?

so ya, your question is certainly a complicated one... What are they going to do about it all?
i would expect this article will be the last you here about the incedent..ill just hope for more

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