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Ok, Grose me out !!!
We have all seen glimpses of Fear Factor, and every week some one would have to do something grose, eat something slimey. crawl though and swim in discusting concotions of primortial bio ooze...

so throw me your worst.

What have you seen that has grosed you out..

to stay with the theme, it must be true stories, vidios welcome but no explisit vids of any nature...

I saw some one eat a bugger off his bugger wall one time, it was marbled with green yellow black and brown and was the size of a splatted base ball about thee inches thick. He picked it off the wall and bit in to it, chewed it up and swallowed....

I had to copy and paist this, couldnt read it again, one up chuck a day is all I can handle
That's pretty gross to say the least lol
Yr sick Dave!!![Wink] LMAO!!!
violently sick might I add, I see up Chucky people.. [:p]

did I mention this guy was 30 years old when he did it?

I should have clocked him for doing that in front of me, and had I known the immage would be forever stuck in my brains I would have... lol

tough one to beat, aint it...[Image: sleepy.gif]
Watched 2 different people drink half a beer bottle full of fermenting chew spit! From someone else!!!!!!!!!!
Beat that Dave!![crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy]
OK you did it, I was trying to get the first post pic out of my mind, and you had to remind me of another grose memory....

excuse me if I gag a half dozen times here...

suprized it didnt kill them, tobaco is a night shade plant family.

I remember when I was real young a person I knew used to keep a coffee comunity can of fermenting packer spit with floating wads.....

he asked me to pull it out from behind the couch with dead flies and skeeters in it, I about ralfed on the spot, then he reached in and pulled out a wad and started chawin on it...

fer those of you who are getting a chuckle out of this, wait till you see your first vomiting experience... lol

Ok, LH2
lets try this one...

I new another kid when I was again vary young. he would eat anything, even if the dog wouldnt touch it he would pick it out of the dogs dish and eat it, no bets or dares just plain wanted to eat everything in site...

well one day it cought up with him, and of corse I had the esteem pleasure of being there when it did.

for a ten year old he was round, bigger round than he was tall, he could litteraly roll across the yard faster than he could run...

it was a hot summer day and he was sitting on the poarch eating pickled bologna. You know the ones I mean. That in it self wasnt so bad. I have eaten it my self, just dont care about the way it comes out the other end. but that not the grose part either.

he was about half way though his third ring and he put it down, Well we never seen him put down food before and we all started staring at him.

his tummy started rumbling, not only could we here it, we could see it rolling bulging and pulpitating. Then he leat out a burp that smelt like sewer.

well we all went ewwww. and covered our faces and backed up... our eyes started watering it smelt so bad.

It was a good thing we did back up, cuz what came next was sewer... no, not vomit, but sewer... he had been plugged in the lower unit for weeks to the point that his entire system backed up in to his digestive system in to his stomach and finaly out of his mouth.... ewwww he poohed out of his mouth...

That in it self was gross enuff, but what I didnt mention was he had a little brother... What big brother dose little brother has to do as well, so when he saw big bro flow little brother dose everything he can to hold it in but finaly starts gagging and holding his stomach and with a horendesly loug Blahhhh, out comes a couple gallons of white fly maggots spraying all over the sand box then finaly a one long white worm came flowing out of his mouth....

True story, oddly enuff that one didnt make me sick, just made me want to step back a few yards, I didnt want to wear it.... afterwords we played with the maggots with a stick untill little sister came out of the house with a bunch of ma's who coralled us all up after finding out who did what and took us our sepreat ways... lol

When I think about now, I saw the movie aliens before the book was ever written..[sly]

Oh ya, little sis was a tattle, and in that case it was a good thing... the boys went to the hospitol for a few days.... Oh ya, thay aint fat no mo either.. LOL

so I up the anty with
Disentary of the mouth and a severe case of multiple worms.
You got me Dave, i can't compete with that.[crazy]

I dont know about sewer guts or worm farms.... BUT I do know a kid when we was growing up we used to dare to eat all kinds of stuff, pinecones, bits of road kill, polywogs (baby frogs that swim) and all that. well one day we was all playing out in the fields where the pond was we used to go froggin at and this kid starts kinda dancing around sort of funny like and he shakes his leg and a turd rolls out of his pant leg and onto the ground, the fellas and I stepped back to make sure it wasnt alive or anything and before we know it he has it in his hand like a cigar and is "puffing" on it like it IS ONE, the gagging begins with the other fellas, I and a few others were just in awe that he would touch a fresh turd much less put it to his lips!! then without a dare spoken he took a BITE and ate it. he did NOT take a second bite we all figured it tasted like S**T so he didnt want to eat any more. after that we all decided we should kind of distance our selves from that kid, he was an odd one. every once in a while through school we would hear something about him and it seemed it just got more and more weird.

but that is the worst thing i have ever seen besides death happening. HE ATE HIS OWN TURD!!! still makes me shudder almost 25 years later....exscuse me please, i need to go puke and brush my teeth.
eeeeeeeeeooooooooowwwwwwww !!!

dont you wonder what ever happend to those kids? NOT !!! [Image: sleepy.gif]
Once had a little blue heeler that ate all the guts from a couple turkeys that we slaughtered near thanksgiving time. We had a party and she snuck away and went to town eating as much as she could from the pile of hearts, lungs, crops, stomachs..... To make a long story short, I woke up in the middle of the night to a familiar sound of hack heaving and well.........she threw up all the blood guts and whatever else she ate that night all over me and my bed. I mean it their was a huge pile of nasty. I had to just buy everything new again. The worst part of it I still let her sleep in bed with me............hahahahaha
you guys are nasty! i got one its not that bad though

i was at my cousins house when we were kids my cousin cris was a a year younger than i i think we were like 13 and 12 at the time and we were raising all sorts of hell when we herd my aunt start screaming oh my god! oh my god! so we followed the screaming to a room where my 1 year old cousin was taking a nap. when i walked in i didnt know what to expect i was shocked and started gagging imediatly my 1 year old cousin had pooped in his diaper then decided to use the poop as fingure paints the entire wall by his crib was covered in poo and he stood there staring at it and gloating like he was michelangelo and it was his sixsteen chapel or something this wall of poo was as wide as a crib and as tall as he could reach this isnt the worse part the whole time we were there the little artist had had his back to us he was laughing and carring on at the reaction he was getting from everybody that walked in the room well he spun around to look at us and he had a massive Smile on his face with a massive ring of poo around his lips like he had grabbed a turd nugget and put it on like lipstick this is when the chain reaction started i ran for the bathroom some one else was in it so i made it to the closest exit the door going to the garage as soon as made through the door i couldnt hold it any longer i let her rip and gave my aunts floor a nice coat of puke well chris came out to the garage unknowing i had thrown up all over his floor he walked right into the middle of the splatter fest stopped then looked down at his bare feet and made a disgusted face i was laughing so hard my stomach hurt just then while he was frozen standing barefoot in my throw up a draft or something must have caught him funny and wafted the smell right up to his nose i watched him cover his mouth and his cheeks swell then blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he puked all over the garage floor right on top of my puke. ...........................
.................................... i know what your thinking that this couldnt get any worse and it does and your probably thinking this is made up but i swear this is a true story........

so my aunt kathy come flying out into the garage see the huge pile of fresh vomit and side steps it then starts yelling at us telling us we are gonna clean up every ounce of it when my aunts dog copper a cocker spaniel comes flying out the garage door and dives head first into this pile of vomit and starts lapping it up as fast as he can i look over at my aunt and she does the same thing her son just did covers her mouth then i see her cheeks swell up but she forgot to move her hand and puke was squeezing its way out of her lips and through her fingures it kind of looked like when you turn off a sprinkler and those last few seconds of water are coming out. finally she let it out right next to the pile her son and i had already made..

i dont think i have ever laughed as hard as had that day..
this story is 100% true i lived it and it was truelly a disgusting but hilariouse moment in my life.
sorry so long
isnt life beutifull ?
lol, pets are fair game, I get all choked up when that happens, but its when they start lapping it back up the makes me yack.. lol...
well that was timely, deffenantly a good one for halloween....
now if you had said the baby head spun around in circles I wouldnt have beleived ya...

thats just to grose not to be true... eeeeeeeeooooooowwww !!!!
I forgot to mentoin on my first post,

this is a game we used to play when we were kids sitting around the camp fire....

we didnt usualy start playing untill after all the smoors and candy and pop and chips and hot dogs have been scarffed down...

Then some one would get cocky and bust out with "Ok, Grose Me Out !"

Then the fun began, and the first person who looses his cookies had the pleasure of gutting the fish the next day... And if we werent fishing that person would get some other unplesent chore that had to be done in camp the next day, some times they'd get KP duty...

It was all in good amost clean fun...

then there was the second game at sack time.
"You've Got The Willies" I am sure every one here has played that game, telling scary stories to scare your buddies in the still of the night...[laugh]

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