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October Colors....Black and Yellowfin???
Third week of October ,

We have Allen and Larry from NJ & NY fishing 3 days and staying 7 days. They want to do some relaxing and sight seeing as well as fishing. They were worried a bit by not so comfortable weather, but besides a little rain, they got what they where hoping for.

3 Black Marlin between 300 to 400# ( unusually small for this time of the year ), nice triple on Big Big YFTs , all over 220lbs!!! One of them hit an OTI POpper and 2 on Live Bonitos. Everyone took a turn on these monsters, real team effort. It is great to see big YFTs in October. As I always say, the off season in Panama is the weather not the Fish. They also got into some nice Snowy Groupers caught on OTI Jigs and some Rainbow runners as well. Thanks to Captain Macho and Captain Sergio , enjoy the pics. [url ""][#000000]Panama Sport Fishing Lodge[/#000000][/url]

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Who says all there is to do is fish??
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atun agradable

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