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Day Dreaming
I was wondering if any one else has been day dreaming about ice fishing since it was gotten so hot. I think that I'm ready.

Make it 5 in a row, Lance!
I am with you Tincanfsh. I have had enough of the heat and the idiot water skiers. My son wants to get them with his sling shot and as close as they come he could get them good.
have the boaters exponentially become more rude? or is it just me. every lake im at now they come as close as they can. its everything i can do not to get into a fist fight anymore on a lake. i dont get it.
oooohhhh i long for cooool cooool ice

Funny you mention ice fishing. I was just telling my buddy that I found a good area to try next ice season. I'm always looking for new areas, most of my scouting is done when fishing soft water. My ice poles are looking alittle dusty. I started making a few new lures acouple days ago in preparation. I look forward to first safe ice every year! I haven't skied much since I started ice fishing 18 years ago. Its addicting!!!
Sorry to disagree, but no way. Bring on the hot hot summer. This is primetime. High country access, topwater bass, walleye are biting, dry fly fishing, swimming, boating, Lake Powell, BBQ's, parades, women in bikinis. The only ice I want to see is in my glass. LMAO Later Bro.

Good Fishing, Kayote
Amen to the heat! That's the only time I do well with the Walleye. Since I have re-injured my back, and been working on the boat, I have only made a shore trip to Schofield. Other than that, the last trip I took was with WH2 and WS out here on Starvation in May. I need another month at least to get stocked up on Walleye fillets for the long cold winter.
I love ice fishing but love to see all the seasons come and go. Winter- killer layed back fishing, skiing. Spring- spawners, fly fishing. Summer- Bass, high country, camping. Fall- hunting, break from the heat, school. Year round- quad riding.
I cant decide for myself either both seasons are great. Although I do miss Ice fishing especially when I am stuck in the car driving all over the place in the hot day. How id love to walk out on a nice frozen sheet of ice, drill a hole, drop my line down and freezzzzzzze my a#@ off. I cant wait for winter time. But the bass are the most fun so summer is probably my favorite especially after watching aquaman catch the muskie. I WANT A MUSKIE NOW!!!! I WANT ONE I WANT ONE I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOD FISHIN TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No way! Ice fishing is fun (I especially enjoy being able to visit with many fellow fishermen/women on the ice), but give me my boat and the soft water any day!

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