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Tincanfish Catches a Buzz
Well, it was my friend Tincans 33rd birthday today (Happy Birthday Bro) and we decided to go bass fishing. We met at first light at our favorite watering hole and were first on the lake. The buzzbaits were on, and we enjoyed five hours of steady action and boated some real toads. I think the boy is sold on topwater. Absolutely great day. If you have a bass water near you, now is the time for topwater action. I can't even begin to explain the adrenaline rush when a big greenie explodes on your buzzbait. I apologize for not having my usual gallery of pics to go with the report. Bad things happen when you take a digital camera on the kayak. LMAO.

Good Topwater Fishing, Kayote
[Wink] Happy birthday Tincanfish !! I've been catching the buzz lately myself and have been loving it . LOL First year I've ever tried them . Topater is a blast . Went down to Hooked Tackle and stocked up on them now after losing 2 . Hope everything is going to be ok with digital camera . Always enjoy your pics .

[Image: LOOM5874CustomImage0499879.jpg]
happy b-day dude and where is your favorite bass water
[cool]Happy Birthday, Tincan. You are older than me by several days. My day of infamy is next Sunday...and then TubeBabe's is the Saturday following. Got a lot of "moon children" on the BFT list. Being born in July might not make us prettier, but it does make us better fishermen. Right?
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys.I would also like to thank kayote for the great bassin trip. I fished mostly buzz baits this weekend and had a blast even with the little bass when they would hit the buzzer. Kayote did get the biggest bass of the weekend with a 17"er. He also lost some others because he lacked the "skills" to get them in the boat.[Wink]
Hey TubeDude, Thanks for the birthday wishes. I might not be a looker but I sure can do some fishing. My son was born at the end of the month.
17 inches?????. Those top two were 18, remember. Are we having short term memory problems Tindude?. LMAO

Good Fishing, Kayote
Sorry, I must of been out in the sun too long. I do remember that I caught the smallest Bass ,but I didn't lose any. Thanks again for the righteous trip.
Did you go back out Saturday or Sunday birthday boy?

Good Fishing, Kayote
I went back out Saturday night from 6 to nearly dark. I caught 7 small buckets. Four over by where saw that big one earlier that morning and three at the dam. I hit allk the rocks again just in case but came up empty. I caught all the bass with a buzzer. I think that I'm hooked on buzzer's now. The wind was blowing up againest the dam so I tried the shad rap with no luck. I was burnt so I didn't fish sunday.

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