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[center][font "Cambria"]COMMISSION COMES TO THE AID OF ANGLERS WITH NEW, [/font]
[center][font "Cambria"]“NO-WEAR” FISHING LICENSE REGULATION[/font]
[font "Cambria"] [/font]
[center][font "Cambria"]The California Fish and Game Commission removed the requirement that mandated California recreational anglers “display” their license when fishing. Supporting The Sportfishing Conservancy’s “No-Wear” campaign, the Commission adopted regulations that starting in 2010, anglers can now fish with their license in their wallet or tackle box like fishermen around the rest of the country.[/font]

[font "Cambria"] [/font]
[font "Cambria"]LOS ANGELES - The California Fish and Game Commission (CFGC) met at the[/font]
[font "Cambria"]Radisson Hotel in Los Angeles Wednesday, December 9 and Thursday, December 10 to discuss several pressing issues for outdoorsmen. The meetings, which were open to the public, covered the standard topics regarding budget and regulation, but two matters seemed to highlight Thursday’s meeting: the unveiling of the "Warden's Stamp", and the adoption of the "No Wear Fishing Initiative".[/font]
[font "Cambria"] Both proposals were the innovations of The Sportfishing Conservancy of Long Beach, Calif. The Warden's Stamp is a voluntary $5 stamp, which will be sold alongside hunting and fishing licenses; they will be voluntary and will help fund special equipment for wardens, help in their advanced training and provide some family benefits that the state no longer can afford. The legislation was signed by Governor Schwarzenegger in October and the new stamp design and availability were confirmed Thursday. The stamps will be available for purchase after the first of the year. [/font]
[font "Cambria"] "Anglers have persistently led the fight for conservation and wardens have tirelessly protected California's resources," said April Wakeman, programs director for The Sportfishing Conservancy. "Great fishing depends on great resources," she added.[/font]
[font "Cambria"] The "No Wear Initiative" gained support throughout the year from anglers who were tired of constantly losing their licenses or being tangled in equipment. The initiative, which was also approved Thursday, no longer requires anglers to "visually display" their licenses. Raftican said the effort is not designed to make enforcement more difficult but to make it easier to comply and reduce the number of lost licenses. The new regulations will be implemented sometime after the beginning of 2010.[/font]
[font "Cambria"] "The voice of the recreational angler can play an important role in making positive changes at the Commission," said Raftican. "These accomplishments just go to show recreational fishermen what we can get done when we do our homework and work cooperatively with the Commission.” [/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: happy.gif]Thanks James for the heads up. But I have gotten so use to wearing mine on my vest I guess that is where I will carry next years plates. lol[/#008000][/font]
Thank you for the update. Im not sure if this is a good
or bad thing...............

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: dumb.gif]have seen a lot of people not wearing their license, bet that many of them didn't even have one. Hell in over 50 years of fishing in Ca never been stopped once.[/#008000][/font]
Dryrod wrote:[/quote]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][/font][#008000][/#008000][img][url "http:///"][/url]have"][/img]have[/url] seen a lot of people not wearing their license, bet that many of them didn't even have one. Hell in over 50 years of fishing in Ca never been stopped once.[/i][/b][/font][/quote]

WHAT !!!!
Nobody ever asked you for you license ??? I get my
license checked 2 or 3 times a year.
Maybe I just fish more. I get out to fish about 30-40
times a year.

[Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Maybe I have an honest look about me. When I lived in Washington I was on the river several times a week and I never even seen a game warden. Same thing in NY, & Fla.[/#008000][/font]

good for you my friend.[Smile]

VALUABLE INFORMATION NEEDED: California the place where Gigantic Largemouth are caught every year.... Hank Parker went out with a guy to catch Largemouth over 15lbs and they caught one fish in three days LOL.... Sometimes going big you have to sacrifice a little....
For big bass spring and summer is the best time
of course.
There is a reason why big bass got big............[Wink]
There is a place I go tubing/ff for bass and do well. I have
seen bass in there as big as a submarine but never hooked one of those.Those babies must of been
15+ lb.
I had one go under my tube and just chiled there for like
20 sec. until I moved.

SWIM BAITS CUSTOM STYLE OR HOME MADE???? I've noticed most of the bigger Largemouth are caught on swim baits ( it seems most of them look like they are home made).... I've seen up to 14" in length.... Wow!!!! What a swim bait to be throwing all day... That would have to wear out a man LOL...
Well, I fly fish for bass. I use bass bugs up to 8'' long [shocked].
Sometimes I do better then other fisher man and
sometimes not so much.
Sence I started FF for bass I never looked back. It is
just so much more fun (for me anyways).


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