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Out of state draws
How many of you are applying out of state this year?

Its an exciting time of year and I am hoping to get some good results. I already lucked out in New Mexico. I am hoping the remaining draws go good as well.....
I'm just buying points for Wyoming Antelope this year, but I'll put in next year.
Good luck on the draw!
I sure wish I had the time and money to put in for multiple states.
Thanks HJ. Depending on what you apply for, some states are not too bad when it comes to applying.

My wife isn't always excited about it but she's she takes it pretty well. I applied for oryx and said that with 4-5% draws that she would not have to worry. However, I can't use that excuse anymore lol...

Smart idea buying points in Wyoming. If you can swing it, look at buying a deer and elk point as well. My wife and son are pretty much guaranteed a tag in K this year. Since I have max points for deer, I am holding off for a better unit. Good luck with the Utah draw!!
The wife and I put in for our deer tags in WY. and will apply for antelope points which will give us 2 going into next year's draw also applied for elk tags but no luck.
[quote PACKFAN]The wife and I put in for our deer tags in WY. and will apply for antelope points which will give us 2 going into next year's draw also applied for elk tags but no luck.[/quote]

Wyoming elk has been difficult for me; I am not sure where I want to apply. I have 4 points (max), but have just been buying points and not applying.

I know there are a lot of elk in Wyoming. However, from what I have researched, most of the units that hold decent numbers of 330-350 bulls are private.
The best thing to do is study the data on draw odds and harvest statistics on their web site, but I'm sure you probably have allready done this. We booked with an outfitter last season and had a great time. I know of at least one bull that came off the unit that was a 380 plus bull I saw that rack and heard of another bull that several hunters were after that was suppose to be in the same class. These bulls floated back and forth off public to private land. The 380 bull that I seen was actually harvested by one of the outfitter's clients on the first day of the rifle hunt it was an 8X7. He said he had watched that bull all summer floating back and forth on the different properties and that the archery hunters and preseason scouting on the public ground pushed him onto his ranch. I wish the wife could have taken that one but she was happy with the one she got on the 2nd to last day of the rifle season.
I have studied the odds, almost to a fault. Being how the points system is so screwed up in Wyoming, I am really reluctant to cash them in.

I am sure you made a good decision going with a guide. I do not see any big management changes in Wyoming. Therefore, I think I need to just try and get a tag and hunt.
I'm not sure I know what you mean when you say the point system is screwed up in WY. I haven't seen anything wrong with it but maybe I'm not seeing the big picture.
I have two Wyoming deer points. I put in for area 102, im sure i am a few years away on that one, getting closer with 4 points being max, my second choice is region k.

I like Wyomings point system better than Utahs. At least I can buy points for all species and build them while here I am just up the old creek without a paddle.
dont feel bad about not having good luck on wyoming elk I live in wyoming and hve put in for elk religously for 14 years and have yet to draw an elk tag.
What area are you putting in for Elk?
"I'm not sure I know what you mean when you say the point system is screwed up in WY. I haven't seen anything wrong with it but maybe I'm not seeing the big picture."


Its all personal opinion. What I don't like is that 75% of the tags go to those who are in the max point pool. That does not leave many tags for the people in the non max pool. I am saying this and I have max points for deer and elk. Utah allows 50% to go for the max point pool. Which is a
little better.

Having said this, there will never be a perfect system. The most perfect system IMO is Nevada. They square your points every year and add 1. In other words, If you apply 3 years you would have 10 chances (3X3)+1.

Thats as close to a "perfect" system as there is. It rewards those who have applied for a long time and has no "max pool", just more chances.

My second system would be no points and everyone has the same chance. But that is just my opinions (which isn't worth much).
ive always put in for either the sand dunes or little mountain. At least if i was putting in for out of state I would be building preference points.
I hear ya. I also have put in for Little Mountain for both Elk and Deer for the last 21 years and I also have never drawn.

We should feel fortunate though that we can still fall back and purchase a General permit for elk and deer. Everything on my wall was killed with a general permit and they are just as nice as 90% of the animals that would come off of Little Mountain.
Let's see that wall of yours Braz. I would like to see what you have taken over in the Cowboy State.
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Probably not much to show[:p]
Only Snipe and Jackalope!
Good reply. Glad you are able to get on the Utah site or you wouldn't have any one to talk to, or about. Have a nice day[cool]

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