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fishing dictionary
i am hoping everyone could post fishing expressions and what they mean and see how many can be collected, this is also on the bass and saltwater forums
any expressions welcomed, just keep them relitivley clean
When the pen is ignored, the sword writes a universal language that no one can ignore. - this is just plain stupid

and do you have to post links to the hate groups you belong to?

i dnt think that the quoate is supid, and i really dont know what the website i got that from is, i was just quoting it, i never actually went on the site
He is talking about the link in your Signature block. It sure is funny how he can post links to left slanted web sites and it is OK but if you try to do the same thing he puts you down for it.
Hey SM you can't have it both ways, quite spreading your liberal crap.
funny how the sites I link to dont mention the armed overthrow of the US
. .

and just so you know, "the pen is mightier than the sword" is the basis for our entire society, you bunch of [#ff4040][edit][/#ff4040] [#ff4040]superior skilled fishermen[/#ff4040]


[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]Please refrain from personal attacks.[/size][/#000000][/font]
I love you to SM[Wink]. And just so you know Nimrod is a good thing, look it up sometime:
a skillful or enthusiastic hunter
hahah guess to which meaning I was referring:

Main Entry: Nim·rod
Pronunciation: \ˈnim-ˌräd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Hebrew Nimrōdh
Date: 15th century
1 : a descendant of Ham represented in Genesis as a mighty hunter and a king of Shinar
2 not capitalized : [url ""]hunter[/url]
3 not capitalized slang : [url ""]idiot[/url], [url ""]jerk[/url]

[cool][#0000ff]You should check the BFT index:[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ""]Fishing Glossary[/url][/#0000ff]
just to let you know, now that i know what that site talks about, i think ill remove the link, thanks fro letting me know, and i know that the quote doesn't always apply, just more with wars etc...

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