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Draws are out
Didn't get my Goat again but my brother finally got his Moose tag. I guess I know what I'll be doing in Sept.. [mad]
Took a stab at a second round Moose tag and guess what? Nothing! I guess it's general for me. [Sad]
I got lucky and drew an antelope tag for unit 30.
Antelope for me too, Unit 41 Muzzleloader. Ron
put in for cow elk, antelope, big buck and extra doe, all I got was an extra doe. Five years running thats all I have got from draws. [frown]
For the 2nd time in 18 years we didn't draw on our elk tag [frown]. I guess since it's only the 2nd time those are pretty good odds and I was probably over due a bit.
My wife drew her cow in unit 22 where I archery hunt so I will scout for her in Sept. while i'm taking my bow for a walk. I tried for big buck in 40 and also antelope but didn't get either.
got my 39 cow and my 40 antelope
Woo Hoo! Scored an early season buck hunt in unit 55. Good chance for a velvet buck[Smile]
Good luck to all that drew out. So over the years I've been pretty lucky drawing tags, or what I considered lucky anyway. I've got what I consider fair. Now all that may change with the point system, if adopted. Just wondering what you guys think about preference points and what that will mean for controlled hunt tags. My concern is it will turn it into a rich man's game within 10 yrs.. I like watching the odds and placing my bet on whatever species. With points I will have to buy points for all species every year just to stay in the game. Comments?
Good topic to address, but should probably be addressed in another thread so this one doesn't get hi-jacked.
A points system is worst thing I think that can happen to our draws. You are right it will be a rich mans game and if you don't buy points every year you are going to be out of any chance to draw. Selling points will be a money maker for the F&G. Ron
i don't like the point system either. i do however like the new ideas of allowing people who put in for moose, sheep, goats. to put in for deer , elk, goat ect. i hope this passes. i am 40 and have never put in for moose. general season hunts suck now. at least in my area. and i agree the fees keep going up such as the invasive species b.s. ect. fees go up and we have the same old crappie boat ramps , ect. i can't afford to much more. if you add up your costs for liscences tags, wifes tags liscence, kids ect. and all of your stickers for boat, campers , 4 whellers, draw hunt fees and on and on it's really ridiculous. the one that really , really burns me is the boat launching fee. i will drive 50 miles to avoid this ! anyhow good to see some hunting conversation !

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