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Slip indicators
First time I've heard about slip indicators and I have a question. How do you fish a slip indicator with really long leaders - like 20 feet? How do you cast that?
You don't cast a 20' leader. Drop it and move.

The indicator will slip so that you can land the fish.
I sell various sizes. Monster is correct. You find the depth you want and allot of times 30' seems to be the place to be.
You need sonar or some way to find the bottom, you run straight mono or fluoro thirty feet and attach it to you line.
Once you find the depth, to slide the egg and the peg up the leader to that depth and lift a foot so the fly is suspended off the bottom.
Make a loop in the leader between the egg and the peg and insert peg.
I have a video of this on my signature blog, but if you put the indicator on first then the peg, the fly will stop the peg from sliding all the way down, so basically you do it upside down of what I show.
But if you use bigger flies, it doesn't matter.

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