08-26-2010, 05:12 PM
News from the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF)
This season’s Atlantic salmon runs to many rivers throughout Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces are breaking recent records according to counting facility reports by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). The media has covered this topic well.
World Fishing Network - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=560
Telegraph Journal - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=558
Canadian Press - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=561
Unfortunately, Labrador’s salmon runs are not faring as well as those of other areas this year. See an article in The Labradorian
ASF has recognized its 65th Live Release Camp for leadership in conserving salmon and grilse through live release. For more information, click here
Senator Michael Meighen, Canadian Chair of ASF’s Board of Directors, recently wrote to the Chairs of the International Joint Commission to request that they allow alewives access to upper reaches of the St. Croix River. Note that the IJC has extended their period for public comment to Sept. 16. To read Senator Meighen’s letter:
Senior administration officials will be in Bangor on September 2nd for a public listening session as part of President Obama’s America's Great Outdoors Initiative. For information on how to participate and voice your support for a healthy Penobscot River watershed, visit:
This season’s Atlantic salmon runs to many rivers throughout Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces are breaking recent records according to counting facility reports by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). The media has covered this topic well.
World Fishing Network - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=560
Telegraph Journal - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=558
Canadian Press - http://asf.ca/news.php?id=561
Unfortunately, Labrador’s salmon runs are not faring as well as those of other areas this year. See an article in The Labradorian
ASF has recognized its 65th Live Release Camp for leadership in conserving salmon and grilse through live release. For more information, click here
Senator Michael Meighen, Canadian Chair of ASF’s Board of Directors, recently wrote to the Chairs of the International Joint Commission to request that they allow alewives access to upper reaches of the St. Croix River. Note that the IJC has extended their period for public comment to Sept. 16. To read Senator Meighen’s letter:
Senior administration officials will be in Bangor on September 2nd for a public listening session as part of President Obama’s America's Great Outdoors Initiative. For information on how to participate and voice your support for a healthy Penobscot River watershed, visit: