09-17-2010, 04:58 PM
ASF President Bill Taylor sets the record straight on the health of wild Atlantic salmon that migrate or spawn near salmon farms in this letter that appeared in the Financial Post
This was in response to a letter that appeared in the same publication on September 4, from Ruth Salmon, Executive Director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, who said that salmon aquaculture posed no threats to wild salmon. http://asf.ca/news.php?id=571
This year’s good wild Atlantic salmon runs do not include rivers that are adjacent to the salmon aquaculture industries in the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick and the Conne River in southern Newfoundland.
Map of proximity of Conne River to NL aquaculture industry
Map of proximity of inner Bay of Fundy and Magaguadavic River to NB aquaculture industry
Sue Scott, ASF’s VP of Communications, hits the highlights in the latest Atlantic Salmon Journal on efforts to keep wild Atlantic salmon front and centre at this year’s North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization’s meetings, held in Quebec City: http://asf.ca/docs/uploads/asj-nasco-fall2010.pdf
As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gets closer to approving genetically modified salmon, ASF’s Todd Dupuis speaks out on the risks they could pose to wild Atlantic salmon.
This was in response to a letter that appeared in the same publication on September 4, from Ruth Salmon, Executive Director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, who said that salmon aquaculture posed no threats to wild salmon. http://asf.ca/news.php?id=571
This year’s good wild Atlantic salmon runs do not include rivers that are adjacent to the salmon aquaculture industries in the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick and the Conne River in southern Newfoundland.
Map of proximity of Conne River to NL aquaculture industry
Map of proximity of inner Bay of Fundy and Magaguadavic River to NB aquaculture industry
Sue Scott, ASF’s VP of Communications, hits the highlights in the latest Atlantic Salmon Journal on efforts to keep wild Atlantic salmon front and centre at this year’s North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization’s meetings, held in Quebec City: http://asf.ca/docs/uploads/asj-nasco-fall2010.pdf
As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gets closer to approving genetically modified salmon, ASF’s Todd Dupuis speaks out on the risks they could pose to wild Atlantic salmon.