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Lots of Action Both Offshore and Inshore - Miami, FL
Take your choice, the fishing is great both offshore and inshore.

Offshore, the action for kingfish continues to be good to red hot. Throw in sailfish, mahi-mahi, mutton snapper, Spanish mackerel, and bonito and it makes for a well rounded day of fishing with lots of variety.

Move inshore and it’s tarpon, jack crevalle, Spanish mackerel, snook, and mangrove snapper. Once again lots of variety.

Chancelor and Angela Williams along with their friends Colby McDonald and Pam Larr wanted to fish in the calm inshore waters. Several days of cold weather had lowered the surface water temperature to 62 degrees in the area where the most action had been. We caught a few jack crevalle and a mangrove snapper, however the action was far from what it should have been. I moved back closer to the Inlet where we gained several degrees in temperature and that did the trick. It was fast and furious action for jack crevalle and Spanish mackerel. By the end of the morning there were several sore arms and lots of Smiles on their faces.

Stephanie Gordon and her dad, Dick Gordon along with Ed Nader faced cold water temperatures during their evening tarpon trip. We marked several tarpon and had no hits. It took lots of searching before we finally got our reward. The tarpon put on a good show and at one point almost joined us in the boat. After posing for pictures it was released. Adding to the variety, we had a nice size snook eat our shrimp. It posed for some pictures and was also released.

Farid Suleman along with his sons, Miles and Trev were busy with action that came in spurts. The flatlines produced kingfish, Spanish mackerel, and mahi-mahi. The downrigger produced kingfish. And not to be out done, the bottom rod gave use mutton snapper and large blue runners. All the fish except the blue runners were kept and plans for a fish fry were rapidly made.

John Kirk, Pete and Patrick Churchwell, along with Ed McGowan were kept hopping with plenty of action on their ¾ day trip. We started by putting out two flatline baits. While I was about to put out a downrigger bait, the flatlines took off and the fun began. Everyone got in on the action several times during our first two drifts. The kingfish were in the 6 – 10 pound range and mighty hungry. On the third drift, the action slowed for a bit. Some heavy live chumming got it going again. This time it was a beautiful sailfish that had Ed wondering if the fish would ever stop running. It made numerous jumps and headed for the anchor line of a boat that was several hundred yards away from us. After a series of jumps it changed directions and ran away from the anchor line. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After about 15 more minutes of battling the sailfish, we took pictures and released Ed’s first sailfish to thrill some other angler on another day. Back to fishing and back to catching more kingfish. By the end of the trip, we were one fish shy of our limit with the last fish coming on the bottom rod and being the largest fish of the trip. Guess who caught that fish? You got it, Ed was on the rod.

That brings me up to date once again. Fast hot action and plenty of it. Time to book your fishing trip. It’s as easy as calling me at 305-965-9454 or send me an email at Lets go make some fishing memories together.

Captain Dave

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