01-26-2011, 12:16 PM
COLUMBUS, OH- The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) released a draft report of the Ohio Great Lakes Compact Advisory Board, which contains recommendations for implementing the Great Lakes Compact in Ohio. Public comments are welcomed through November 19. Additionally, ODNR will host an open house for further public input.
An historic agreement, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (Compact) applies common standards for all eight Great Lakes states to protect and sustainably manage the waters of the Great Lakes.
Ohio ratified the Compact in 2008 when Governor Ted Strickland signed House Bill 416. Under the Compact, each state must enact enabling legislation to direct how the state will carry out the Compact's provisions. House Bill 416 established a state advisory board comprised of state agency experts, legislators, and academic, environmental and industrial stakeholders.
"I'm both proud and grateful of the significant progress made to develop sensible recommendations which protect one of Ohio's best natural resources-our Lake Erie-while continuing to attract economic development investments," said Sean Logan, ODNR Director and chair of the Compact's Advisory Board. "I commend the board members for working together to find solutions, and I am hopeful their continued involvement will lead to meaningful protection measures for Lake Erie."
The advisory board's purpose is to provide recommendations on the necessary implementing legislation for Ohio. The draft report which includes those recommendations is now available on ODNR's Web site. The Advisory Board will conclude its work and submit a final report to the Governor and General Assembly by December 15.
Prior to submitting the final report, ODNR will accept public comment until November 19. Comments may be submitted to the ODNR Division of Soil and Water Resources at 2045 Morse Road, Building B-2, Columbus, OH 43229 or compactcoordinator@dnr.state.oh.us. In addition, ODNR will host a public open house on November 19 from 3-5 pm at the Bay Village Library which is located at 502 Cahoon Road in Bay Village. All comments received will be compiled and included as a separate appendix in the final report that is submitted to the Governor and General Assembly.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com.
Media Contact
Mike Shelton, ODNR External Affairs<br />
614. 265. 6891
Heidi Hetzel-Evans, ODNR Media Relations<br />
614. 265. 6860
An historic agreement, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (Compact) applies common standards for all eight Great Lakes states to protect and sustainably manage the waters of the Great Lakes.
Ohio ratified the Compact in 2008 when Governor Ted Strickland signed House Bill 416. Under the Compact, each state must enact enabling legislation to direct how the state will carry out the Compact's provisions. House Bill 416 established a state advisory board comprised of state agency experts, legislators, and academic, environmental and industrial stakeholders.
"I'm both proud and grateful of the significant progress made to develop sensible recommendations which protect one of Ohio's best natural resources-our Lake Erie-while continuing to attract economic development investments," said Sean Logan, ODNR Director and chair of the Compact's Advisory Board. "I commend the board members for working together to find solutions, and I am hopeful their continued involvement will lead to meaningful protection measures for Lake Erie."
The advisory board's purpose is to provide recommendations on the necessary implementing legislation for Ohio. The draft report which includes those recommendations is now available on ODNR's Web site. The Advisory Board will conclude its work and submit a final report to the Governor and General Assembly by December 15.
Prior to submitting the final report, ODNR will accept public comment until November 19. Comments may be submitted to the ODNR Division of Soil and Water Resources at 2045 Morse Road, Building B-2, Columbus, OH 43229 or compactcoordinator@dnr.state.oh.us. In addition, ODNR will host a public open house on November 19 from 3-5 pm at the Bay Village Library which is located at 502 Cahoon Road in Bay Village. All comments received will be compiled and included as a separate appendix in the final report that is submitted to the Governor and General Assembly.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com.
Media Contact
Mike Shelton, ODNR External Affairs<br />
614. 265. 6891
Heidi Hetzel-Evans, ODNR Media Relations<br />
614. 265. 6860