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West Nile Disease
Just wondering. Is anyone else having trouble with this mosquito-borne disease as much as Colorado? Almost a thousand reported cases and 13 deaths (mainly the elderly).

The newspapers are printing a glowing report that we can expect it to peak this year and start residing in 2004. I realize that it's wide spread but just how extensive and is it effecting the way you fish? No fishing after dark? More Deet? Fly swatter? Or bringing the bats?
Most of Missouri has had drought conditions this year until the last week, which has helped.. West Nile hasn't been much of an issue here in the SW part of the state, although they're have been a few comfirmed cases I've heard about, but not as much as last year.

I haven't changed any of my habits, really. I fish where and when I want without any thought to West Nile. It may be just stupidity, but I figure my chances of getting it are very slim, especially since mosquitoes don't seem to like to bite me. Could be the medicines causing me to smell funny to them.
Thanks for the response, Scott. On the front page of the Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO) this morning, West Nile claimed three more, bringing the death clount to 16, with a thousand diagnosed with it. I may have it, I have most of the symptoms, but it's a mild case and I'll survive. At least I'm healthy enough to put up with it but it ain't nice.
I won't even mention California. I have two ex-wives there, one north, one south.
We've had reported cases here in Minnesota but I can't remember what the numbers are. We are in a drought as well as Missouri so it's definitely helped. It'd be nice to get our missing 6" of rain from the past two months back. But it's nice that the skeeters are low in numbers. It also helps that the Mosquito Patrol is constantly going around and checking hotspots and treating them to keep the skeeter numbers down. Plus, the new, propane powered mosquito control thingies seem to work. People are saying they are well worth the $300+ they paid.
them thingies are called misquito magnuts.

they run up to 12/1500 saw bucks.

John, the news station stated that canada had 300 cases but no deths so far this year.

michigan has been slow to say any thing about numbers this year, at least around my area. they do how ever talk about it a lot.
I wish I could report that our communities are aggressively spraying for mosquitos, but alas, some "do-gooders" are more concerned that the spraying will affect bees and birds. Boo-hoo. Sounds like PETA is campaigning in favor of West Nile Disease around here. And with hunting season just around the corner, I fully expect to see reports of an increase in West Nile cases by December. I haven't heard of these propane powered mosquito control thingies you mentioned. Could you give me more information, please? I'm not worried so much about myself, they wouldn't dare bite an old fart like me anyway, but about my daughter and grandson who visits frequently with me in this fast-growing, once a nice, little farming community I call home. I don't know if a six month old could survive a bout with West Nile, and I don't want to find out. I don't care about any city ordinance about mosquito-control equipment has to be licensed and inspected, if it works, then I'll use it. And damn PETA.

I had been told that mosquitos can't live at higher elevations -- not so. I've visited a few isolated lakes above 10,000 ft (huffing and puffing) and the swarms of these flying hypodermic needles are thicker than women at a clearance sale. I swear (on my Victoria's Secret catalog) that they carried off an unfortunate 3# trout before I could get out of there. I had to stop later and clean them off the radiator before I could continue, the engine was overheating.

Now according to Colorado's Health and Environmental Dept (and we all know just how trustworthy a government agency can be), this is the peak year for us and next year, historically, will see a decline in West Nile cases. Historically speaking. Whether this is true or not, I can't say.

Seriously, DrownedDesertRat, the way this disease is spreading from one state to another, if I weren't level-headed and completely in control of my mental faculties, I'd think there is a government conspiracy afoot or this is a terrorist attack. Who's time will it be next year?
Yeah, it's amazing what the government keeps from us. It eventually comes out but usually too late. I think they look at percentages instead of as "one life is too many".

Here's one place where you can go to get one of the "moquito magnet's".

You'll have to e-mail the advertiser and then you'll get an automated e-mail with the actual link.

Coleman also makes one called "Moquito Deleto". It's easier to get ahold of. They're great for use in your yard. But according to all the reports I've heard, you need to let it run for a month before you truly see the effects.

In the meantime, don't go anywhere without dousing yourselves with insect repellant!

Hi johnincolorado,

Not to get too personal but there's a country western song that talks about something like that and ends with the phrase something like.... 'and that's why I live in..... tennesseeeeeeeeeeeee' Couldn't resist.

Serious note: Too bad about the deaths and family or personal trials caused by illnesses.

I heard a hunter's tale that says that people who drink streamside attract the pesky critters. You'd just have to call me pincushion. ha ha

Did you say drink but mean pee?
Thanks for the link, Joe. I'll give it a try. I have been working under the assumption that with winter, the mosquito problem will go away. Not so. Our local news had an interesting segment regarding wintering mosquiots, it appears that they live till Spring, just seldom seems, or heard during cold weather. They'll find a dry spot, out of the wind and weather and hibernate. Now that's scary. I live in a mobile home, or modular structure, and it is open underneath. Perfect spot for mosquitos to set up house till the warm weather returns.
Note. Colorado number of cases has exceeded 1,000 and the death toll now is over 16, and counting. The lastest death was right here in my hometown -- Brighton. And I must correct a mistake I made, it is called West Nile Virus, not disease. I'm sure Colorado has made the major newspapers by now (Colorado - the West Nile Virus State) and hunters will either stay away this hunting season, or try to buy DEET here. Fat chance of that, it disappears from the shelves as fast as it's put out. My advice, bring your own, and lots of it. We don't have smog any more, we have DEET clouds, especially morning and evening.
And yes, when I go out I carry a couple of cans of industrial-strength OFF! with me. I even keep a can in my truck, just in case I run across a likely spot to drop a line. Gimme that 85% DEET anytime. I may be mentally dysfunctional but I'm not stupid. DEET, the perfect Christmas present for the sportsman.
One thing I found out and found very distrubing, The Clinton Administration commissioned the Social Security Administration to put a dollar amount of a human life (yes, that is true) and the outcome -- the older you are, the less you're worth. Now my question would be, just what was that study for? I know I'm worth more that $93,000 at age 60.
As of 9/5/03 only 6 of the 29 counties in Utah have reported West Nile,and there have been no human cases.

Just got back from New Mexico, and they are very agressively detecting areas where the disease carring mosquiteos might be at in the Albuquerque area.
Like I mentioned in a previous post, some do-gooders around here are more concerned about harming a few bees and birds than in saving human lives. Strange priorities.

Glad to hear that you're not having problems like we are. This is NOT the way I wanted to see Colorado make national headlines.
Certainly hope things clear up for you over there! I'm sure that the winter is going to be a very welcome break from the flying syringes.

I love the morning news. They cover so much in so little time it's amazing. Get all the news that matters in 10 minutes, including full weather report for the next 7 days.

This morning they said that there's only been 30 cases of humans with the West Nile Virus, so far no deaths. They say that if it wasn't for the drought we're in, most likely there would be hundreds of more cases.
michigan wont release its coun till the end of the year, aperintly it coust to much for some one to say 200 cases to a reporter[Tongue] michingan is under a budget crunch. again! [Tongue]
LOL. You wanna talk about financial crunches, take a look at us over here! I'd rather pay higher taxes than deal with what our new governor has gotten us into.

Yesterday, they let many schools out after half a day to save money. They blamed it on "not enough energy" and a deal with the electric company.
that is why we have to get rid of that dolgone general pain in the taxpayer's bottom fund.

they make cuts in strangest of places. but ask one of them to give up a thousand of them 150 thous that they are putting away in the bank every year.

I know thay are saying we have to pay for sucurity, but I ask ya how much dose it coust to hire a half dozen more temperary border gards? and if they did in deed hire them why dosnt it show in the unemployment ranks?

let me think now one gard are full time with benifits cost the state $35,000 per year. 1 million will bay for 28 new full time gaurds.

our govener asked the government for 1.5 billion in federal sucurity aid. that equils 42,857 full time employes. and what happened to our national gaurd, we already pay them to serve. why arent they placed in a sucurity position?

all I am saying here is I cant make cents from dollars out of this one. the general fund is keeping in constant wonder.

when I was out on the detroit river this spring, I did not see one coast gaurd, as a matter of fact what I did see was so few anglers on the water I could count them on my hands and toes. I have never seen such a bad turn out, even on a lousy day of fishing the river is ususaly packed. but to be honest I only saw a couple fish taken by other boats other than my limmiting out on walleyes in my first couple hours.
News reported the first MN death of a human due to the West Nile Virus this morning. Elderly man, in his 80's. [:/]

I hear what you're saying there Dave. It's crazy what the government is doing to our tax dollars. I still can't get over the tremendous amounts of money that's wasted. Obviously our country is more worried about the almighty dollar than helping each other. Wish them "professional" athletes would give up some of their millions and the same with the actors and actresses. Imagine how much better a world it would be and how close to being out of debt our country could be if people just gave up a little but of their huge paychecks to help pay it off.

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