05-17-2011, 10:46 PM
Land A Tagged Fish, Win Millions In Contest - Cabelas and CT DEP team up
[indent]Land A Tagged Fish, Win Millions In Contest[url "http://www.courant.com/business/hc-cabelas-fishing-contest-20110517,0,353074.story"]
[/url][url "http://www.courant.com/business/hc-cabelas-fishing-contest-20110517,0,353074.story"]http://www.courant.com/business/hc-c...0,353074.story[/url]
Now that's a great catch! Local anglers who catch one of 33 tagged fish could win as much as $2.2 million from Cabela's, in a contest co-sponsored by the outdoors retailer and the state Department of Environmental Protection.
The marked fish – brown trout, smallmouth bass and largemouth bass, are in three bodies of water: The Connecticut River, Mashapaug Lake in Union and Highland Lake in Winchester. Contestants have to be registered to win, and the biggest money goes to people using Cabela's equipment.
The contest started Saturday and runs throough July 14. Anglers should look for a yellow "spaghetti" tag in a fin, marked "wannagosighing.com." It's happening in all states that have a Cabela's store, so there won't necessarily be a top winner in Connecticut.
For more information, go to [url "http://www.ct.gov/dep"]http://www.ct.gov/dep[/url] or [url "http://www.cabelas.com/fishformillions"]http://www.cabelas.com/fishformillions[/url][/indent]
[indent]Land A Tagged Fish, Win Millions In Contest[url "http://www.courant.com/business/hc-cabelas-fishing-contest-20110517,0,353074.story"]
[/url][url "http://www.courant.com/business/hc-cabelas-fishing-contest-20110517,0,353074.story"]http://www.courant.com/business/hc-c...0,353074.story[/url]
Now that's a great catch! Local anglers who catch one of 33 tagged fish could win as much as $2.2 million from Cabela's, in a contest co-sponsored by the outdoors retailer and the state Department of Environmental Protection.
The marked fish – brown trout, smallmouth bass and largemouth bass, are in three bodies of water: The Connecticut River, Mashapaug Lake in Union and Highland Lake in Winchester. Contestants have to be registered to win, and the biggest money goes to people using Cabela's equipment.
The contest started Saturday and runs throough July 14. Anglers should look for a yellow "spaghetti" tag in a fin, marked "wannagosighing.com." It's happening in all states that have a Cabela's store, so there won't necessarily be a top winner in Connecticut.
For more information, go to [url "http://www.ct.gov/dep"]http://www.ct.gov/dep[/url] or [url "http://www.cabelas.com/fishformillions"]http://www.cabelas.com/fishformillions[/url][/indent]