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Talked with an angler at the DAV event after sharing some chub meat that we caught the day before on worms and he stated that they used casting nets to catch minnows. I have 2 casting nets I usee in Texas but thought they were illegal in utah...
What's the laws concerning casting nets. Anyone have a link or info to share?
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Must be minnow season? [url ""]Check this link[/url].
I have a basket style - and mean to try it again - only THIS time be sure BOTH ends are secured before I pitch it! [blush]
You can't use casting nets for catching grownups or gamefish, but my understanding is it's ok for collecting baitfish minnows (carp chub perch etc). If you bait minnows are 14" crappie, well - I won't get into that. Of course you can't use the minnows while they are live.
Tubedude has a great writeup on Minnows - but I don't see it here. Plus I'll repost the maps, but best to get the PDF documents direct from da Man! Maybe we can get him to chime in.
Here's a [url ""]how-to-page[/url]
He did recommend a [url ""]Calusa [/url]or [url ""]Betz [/url]brand when I asked.
Being as how you already have nets - you probably know all about this anyways?
I'm new at this myself, so would love to learn any experiences you can share. I've spotted a few spots holding minnows - though some don't know how I'd get through the green slime monster!
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[cool][#0000ff]The primary restriction on cast nets is that they be no larger than 10' diameter. That's plenty large for catching chubs or carp minnows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One suggestion though. If you buy a new one spend the few bucks extra on a good quality net with 1/4" mesh...not 3/8". Otherwise you will lose a lot of the good smaller minnows and you will be cleaning out the gilled ones on every throw.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's my PDF file on Cast Nets.[/#0000ff]
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Tude - do you have some sort of radar alarm set to flash a red-bat-light in the Tuborium when someone mentions you in a post! "The Tube-Beeper"
Thanks. Beat me to the punch. I was gonna PM you and ask. Don't think I'd actually seen THIS doc. Perfect! Good photo shoot too. I've read various descriptions of methods - a number of which involve the teeth - think I like this better (have you SEEN Cutlers waters!).
Do you have a preference Calusa vs Betts? And how easy to these nets tend to tangle, snare, and snag up?
I know minnow sources are somewhat "protected" secrets. I know plenty of carp-waters around here, but not sure where the nearest CHUB waters are to the north?? (pm is fine - I get it)
So with our freaky weather this year, and late springs and whatnot - would you think this counts as mid-summer yet? Most of the flip-flops I noticed yesterday seemed pretty micro. But probably a mix in there.
Got taunted by a few bloops and slurps that I realized were tadpoles dive-bombing the surface, not actually fish at all.
Hey - I got to catching on some of your jigs. Helps if I actually put them in water [crazy]!
If I got the name right? Was thinking to hit Willard, but after the latest reports - sounds like the 'competition' is pretty stiff right now, even for your many rainbows of colors.
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[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, I reckernized that jighead in your pic post. I done cotched a few fishies on that there one my own self.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ""]FITEC CAST NET[/url] This is the Cabelas link to the cast net I the 10' model. They are more expensive now (what isn't?). But it is easy to justify the extra expense. More lead weights equals better controlled throws and faster sinking. The 1/4" mesh helps harvest lots of 1 1/5" to 3" minnows. These are perfect for lots of situations and are tough to capture with the larger 3/8" mesh nets.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All cast nets must be carefully prepared before each throw. As I empty the net from my previous throw, I set the weights down inside the holding bucket and then slowly pull the net out starting at one place and then feeding it out in order...being careful to untangle any glitches as I go. Then, before throwing again I hold it up and swing it a bit to further straighten it out and make sure all of the running lines are free sliding. Leaving any sticks in the net...or any tangled lines...only insures that your next throw lands in a big tangle instead of a nice circle. It's tough enough as it is.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The method of throwing shown in the pictures works fine for a 10' net. You need to hold part of the net in your mouth and/or over your shoulder only when using the big salt water nets. And you are right. I wouldn't want to risk slurping up some alien life forms by holding a net in my mouth. I know what the fish do in that water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The best sources I know of for minnows up there...carp and chubs...are the bird refuges. Both have large populations. But getting them is a matter of timing and permissions. Sometimes you have to be able to get into canals and drain ditches that are not open to public access. And for much of the year the water is too high and murky to be able to see the minnows even when they are thick.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't discount carp minnows. I love to get them when I can. They work great on all species and the predators feed heavily on them whenever they are around. I have actually done better on carp minnows...side by side...against chubs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since this year is a wacko year for weather...and spawning...the carp fry are all sizes...from tiny to almost too big for bait. That's the way it was a couple of years ago when the carp minnows flooded the shoreline out at Grantsville Reservoir.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ";#452463"]LINK TO POST[/url][/#0000ff]
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Thanks TD... I'm assuming that at times you could get into game fish minnows at which time I would sort and put them back. What happens if you say land a net full of trout? Are you know in violation of the proclomation by having a net full of game fish that would obviously put you over the limit...
What is the official ruling in this instance? This is my biggest issue with allowing the casting nets, not to mention damaging a bunch if you use the 3/8 net like you stated and hung up a bunch of game fish by the gills and ended up killing them... just saying.
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[cool][#0000ff]Most of the places I gather my bait there is little or no chance of snaring gamefish species in a net throw. But in times past it was a real concern at places like Strawberry. Back when they planted fingerling trout...and there was also more spawning was not unusual to end up with a few troutlets in a haul of chubs or redside shiners. These days are are virtually no redsides and very few small chubs...not enough to make it easy to gather what you need. And DWR is planting larger trout to get by the hungry cutts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The other place where you can get in trouble easily is at Willard. A good place to gather carp fry but lots of gizzard shadlets in the same areas. Catching and possessing shad is a BIG NO NO. So if you do any carplet netting you need to sort through each haul carefully.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have never ended up with trout in a cast net. But I have caught "unintended" targets. Probably the most notable was up at the Farmington Bay Bird Refuge last year. I have "privileges" through a fellow BFT member so that I can get in to a runoff canal that is otherwise off limits to the public. Last year we were a week later than usual and the water had already been dropped for the fall. My honey hole was a shallow muddy mess, covered with duckweed. No flow and no minnows. But I saw some movement a few feet away and sailed out the net. Bad move. The water erupted and there were 3 HUGE carp in my flimsy little net. Just about towed me off the dike and out into Salt Lake. I finally got them rassled up on shore but it took me over an hour to get that fine mesh net undone from their spines. Left several big holes that I had to patch. The only consolation is that I ended up with a big bunch of carp meat for bait.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Down in Arizona I watched a young boy throwing a cast net to get shad (legal there) for his dad to use for bait. It was right next to a steep rock bank with current flowing by. After one throw the boy disappeared beneath the water...towed down by something big he had accidently netted. His dad dove in and got hold of him and hauled him out. But the rope around the kid's wrist looked like it might pull his arm off. As the kid coughed and sputterd the man gave a couple of mighty hauls and dragged up about a 50 pound flathead catfish. The downside is that a nearby officer made him release it because it had not been caught by hook. I'll bet that kitty had some tales to tell his buddies...about the kid that got away.[/#0000ff]
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[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]. . [/#0000ff][#0000ff]. I'll bet that kitty had some tales to tell his buddies...about the kid that got away.[/#0000ff][/quote]
That's great. Ok, not great - but kinda funny - especially if the kid was ok. Hope they at least got a photo of that cat before it got to by ka-bye bye.
Been wondering how tolerant those nets are to snags/tears. But I'd guess some of that comes from choosing your target. But they're repairable? A stitch in time I suppose.
So - for a beginner - 8ft, 10ft? I've read an 8ft at least is ideal. Do you have a preference for one brand over another?
Glutton for punishment, and more methods to tangle and frustrate myself - might just have to give it a try. Thanks for the info (as always!)
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[cool][#0000ff]For someone just getting started at throwing a cast net I would suggest maybe an 8 footer...and the 3/8 mesh is okay as a starter. Once you get used to the net...and if you decide you really do want to catch more of the smaller can upgrade. It is usually easy to sell a slightly used net with no major damage for a slightly discounted price.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The biggest hazard to nets is not small tears but throwing them into waters that you don't know what the bottom conditions are. Those weights dive into cracks and crannies...and find brush and stickups. And once they are lodged you either have to tear up the net (if you are strong enough) or just leave it. Of course you can also go diving but you have to be careful not to get tangled in the net while trying to free it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you do get a small tear in the mesh you can repair it fairly easily with some monofilament and a couple of granny knots. No biggie. Major tears might require more professional repairs...if you want your net to remain functional.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The story about the kid and the kitty was a bit vague. Actually, the kid and his dad were part of a large "group" that were harvesting everything they caught and did not appear to have a lot of cameras. In fact, most of them were flinging makeshift handlines. I suspect they were not all fishing completely legal-like...with licenses and such. But the F&G officer on the other side of the channel didn't seem too anxious to cross over and confront them. Might have had a language problem with most of them. But they were very generous in sharing their loud music and left a goodly amount of "souvenirs" for other anglers to enjoy in the future.[/#0000ff]
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Dammit man - now you've done it. Got a rebate for insulating the attic, and turned around and gave it to Cabelas. 8 footer on the way.
Ah - easy come easy go. With any luck - I'll get some use out of it.
Ok, so at first I felt bad for the kid, now I'm thinnin' "Natural Selection"? Wonder if they were the same crew [url ""]checking out the dam at Echo[/url]?
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[cool][#0000ff]Dammed if I know. No turbans were involved. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know if you need some throwing lessons when you get the new net. It's a good idea to practice a bit on a big grassy lawn. But it gets the local citizens wondering...maybe a terrorist?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My neighbors already knew I was wacko but couldn't resist asking what the (stuff) I was doing with that net. I told them it was a new method for catching nightcrawlers.[/#0000ff]