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Castaic fishing report for 9/20
[cool] Hey there fellow anglers,

Got to Castaic at 4:50 am. Water was calm and @73degs. Set out with my son in our brand new Caddis float tubes (thanks to TD) and we were waderless. We kicked around for a couple hrs before anything started to bite. The bluegills woke up first so we decided to pound on them for awhile. Couldn't get any over a pound so we decided to let them all stay and grow up for a future trip(if the lake is still open) ha ha. Eventually the LMB woke up but got really finicky. We were using power worms, lunkers, grubbs and nothing would budge. I hooked my son up with a dropshot rig and a small purple sparkle 3" worm. That was working for him. He caught a 5lbr and decided to release it to grow up as well. In the mean time I was chucking my 6" rainbow around but only got a good workout for the morning.

We decided to shore and store our gear around 9:00 . All in all the score was Anglers 2- bluegills- 33 LMB-3 all C&R. Only they anglers made it home.
[cool]Sounds like a good maiden voyage. Now we gotta get you fixed up with sonar and all the other bells and whistles. Of course then you would want to mess around with it and try to tune in the football games...or send email.

Glad to hear that Sean scored something bigger than a bluegill. How did he like tubin'?
He feels that it is a good workout for his legs and since he is the kicker for the Varsity Football, he thinks that we should cut the practice short and reep the benefits of working both legs out on the tube. He sure has his priorities set.......By the way, he finally registered with BFT. Watch for him his username is TubeNtoo.

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