09-23-2011, 11:05 PM
August 2011 Highlights
[indent] Marine District
There were numerous fishing arrests in August in the Marine District. Officer Reillly arrested an individual in Branford on the 8th for seven counts of short Scup. And on the 20th, Officer Persico found two Massachusetts individuals at the Niantic River State Boat Launch that had taken short Scup and exceeded the possession limit as well. Officer Benoit was at Bluff Point Coastal Reserve on the 22nd and witnessed two Rhode Island individuals from a distance with binoculars take over the limit of bluefish. The couple was hiding their catch of bluefish by stashing them in the trunk of the vehicle so it appeared they were not overbagging.
On the August 27th, Sergeant Kane, Officers Tavares and Samorajczyk were inspecting a commercial fishing vessel at the Stonington Town Dock. During the inspection they discovered that the fishing vessel “Gabby G” had taken 5,200 pounds of Whiting over the legal limit. The case will be turned over to the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Law Enforcement for the federal fishing violation.
On the 10th of August, Officer Stanko arrested an individual at Rocky Neck State Park for Breach of Peace after he learned from the distraught mother of a young boy that a 56 year old man had attempted to entice the juvenile. The suspect told the boy “I like your
, come with me”. The individual was stopped on the outbound road from the Park. He was released after posting a cash bond at the State Police Barracks in Montville.
Officer Chemacki arrested an individual at Hammonassett Beach State Park on the 12th of August for Driving under the Influence. Officer Chemacki had received a report of an intoxicated female attempting to get in to her car at the Mieg’s Point Nature Center. She was stopped before she left the Park and was processed and released from the Madison Police Department after posting a cash bond.
Another incident at Hammonassett on the 14th involved Officer Reilly, who arrested an individual for Weapons in a Motor Vehicle and Hours of Operation after a motor vehicle stop. The man was in possession several knives that were hidden in his vehicle, including a dagger with a 5 ½” double edged blade. He was also wanted by Windsor Police on a warrant for Larceny. He was transported to Windsor Police department after being processed at the State Police Barracks in Westbrook.
On the 10th of August, Sergeant Dwyer, Officers Stanko and Samorajczyk responded to a one vessel boating accident on Long Island Sound in Clinton. There were no injuries reported after the recreational vessel capsized ½ mile southwest of the Kelsey Point breakwater. Clinton Fire Department rescued the occupants from the overturned boat. The accident is still under investigation.
On August 13th, Officer Stanko was participating in a department boating safety initiative at the Baldwin Bridge State Boat Launch on the Connecticut River. During the enforcement detail he arrested an individual for Boating under the Influence and Possession of Alcohol by a Minor. The individual was processed at Old Saybrook Police Department and released after posting a $500 non surety bond.
Eastern District
On August 15th, 2011 the State EnCon Police received a complaint about dumping taking place at Nye Holman State Forest in Ellington, CT. The complaint was handled by Officer Laura Pettus, who, with the assistance of Park Manager Dean Hyde, determined the waste was non-toxic. After a lengthy investigation, a suspect was developed and Officer Pettus was able to issue the accused an infraction for littering in the State Forest.
On August 19th, 2011 Officer Matt Stone served a warrant on a Willimantic woman for Larceny 6th Degree, Credit Card Theft, and Illegal Use of a Credit Card. The arrest stemmed from a complaint Officer Stone received on July 9th, 2011 at Diana’s Pool in Chaplin, CT. Officer Stone developed the suspect and through diligent investigation and tenacity, he was able to procure an arrest warrant from the Superior Court and arrest the person responsible. The accused was released on a $1000 non-surety bond.
Around midnight on August 10th, 2011 EnCon Officer Matt Stone was on routine patrol in the Town of Ashford when he noticed the vehicle in front of him operating improperly. Upon stopping the vehicle Officer Stone, through standardized field sobriety testing, determined the operator was under the influence of alcohol and arrested the suspect for the same. The accused was transported to State Police – Troop C in Tolland for further testing and processing, and was released on a $500 non-surety bond to his wife that morning.
On August 19th, 2011 at approximately 5:15 PM Special Conservation Officer John Marvin was travelling Eastbound on Interstate 84 in the Town of Union. As he neared Exit 74 he came upon a motor vehicle accident in which one person was deceased and one person was in critical condition. SCO Marvin was the first official to arrive at the scene and immediately went into action calling for medical services and police back-up. He directed arriving EMS personnel to the injured parties and upon arrival of Lifestar; he guided the helicopter to a safe landing zone. SCO Marvin obtained witness names and kept them separated until they could be interviewed by the accident investigators, all while directing traffic on a busy highway.
On August 30, 2011 Officer Lindo was on patrol at Gardner Lake in Salem. Officer Lindo observed a small inflatable vessel with three persons on board. The vessel was being paddled away from shore. Officer Lindo called the vessel back to shore for a vessel safety check. Upon returning the three subjects refused to cooperate with Officer Lindo’s request for identification and began using profanity at him. The three continued to ignore Officer Lindo and began walking away from him. Several officers were called to assist. The three subjects, one a juvenile, were placed under arrest for Breach of Peace and interfering with an officer. They were transported to the State Police barracks at Troop K and processed. Numerous witnesses that were at the lakeside beach stated the three suspects had been urinating on the beach and were causing a disturbance due to their unruly behavior.
Western District Highlights
On August 8th, Sergeant Chris Dwyer, Officers Greg Ulkus and Jeff Samorajczyk responded to Long Island Sound in West Haven for a report of a rider on a personal watercraft suffering an injury after falling from the PWC. A 14 year old male was riding on a PWC with his father when the youth was thrown from the rear of the PWC during a turn. The youth suffered a serious head injury and was transported to Yale New Haven Hospital for treatment.
On August 22nd, EnCon Police along with DEEP HazMat and State Police responded to a report of a suspected meth lab in Nassahegon State Forest. Several hunters, who were doing pre-season scouting, came across a quantity of chemicals and other items used to manufacture methamphetamine. The chemicals and related items were made safe and removed from the forest. An investigation into the identity of the persons responsible is ongoing.
On August 24th, Officer Greg Ulkus responded to a report of a boat washed up on shore near the Coast Guard station in New Haven Harbor. The body of the operator was found after a search of the harbor. It was determined that the operator of the boat had apparently fallen overboard and drowned.
On August 28th Hurricane Irene impacted the New England region causing massive power outages, tree damage and flooding throughout Connecticut. EnCon Police officers were mobilized for flood rescue and public safety protection. During and immediately after the storm, EnCon Police officers in the Western District handled 24 weather related incidents. Officers removed downed trees from I-84 in Waterbury along with trees and tree limbs from secondary roads in Goshen, Morris, Burlington, Harwinton, Brookfield and Farmington. Officers also conducted numerous inspections of earthen dams throughout the western portion of the state to ensure the integrity of the dams to determine if the dams had been breached or damaged.
On August 28th after Hurricane Irene caused widespread flooding in the state including the Pequabuck River in Bristol, Officer Tim Hill responded to Bristol at the request of the Bristol Police Department to investigate a canoeing fatality. Two subjects launched a canoe in the flooded area of Bristol and were overcome by the current of the floodwaters. The canoe capsized throwing both occupants into the water. One of the occupants was able to make it to higher ground and get out of the water. The second occupant was unable to do so and drowned. The body was recovered several hours after the accident.
On August 30th and 31st, Officers Paul Hilli, Nick Miofsky, Tim Hill and Keith Williams responded to two incidents of kayakers being thrown into the Housatonic River when their kayaks capsized. The Housatonic River was running at a very high flood stage in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. All of the kayakers were located and none suffered any life threatening injuries. [/indent]
[indent] [url "http://www.ct.gov/dep"]Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection[/url]
[url "http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?a=2695&q=322630&depNav_GID=1649"]Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police[/url]
Captain Raul Camejo [url "mailto:raul.camejo@po.state.ct.us"]raul.camejo@ct.gov[/url]
[indent] Marine District
There were numerous fishing arrests in August in the Marine District. Officer Reillly arrested an individual in Branford on the 8th for seven counts of short Scup. And on the 20th, Officer Persico found two Massachusetts individuals at the Niantic River State Boat Launch that had taken short Scup and exceeded the possession limit as well. Officer Benoit was at Bluff Point Coastal Reserve on the 22nd and witnessed two Rhode Island individuals from a distance with binoculars take over the limit of bluefish. The couple was hiding their catch of bluefish by stashing them in the trunk of the vehicle so it appeared they were not overbagging.
On the August 27th, Sergeant Kane, Officers Tavares and Samorajczyk were inspecting a commercial fishing vessel at the Stonington Town Dock. During the inspection they discovered that the fishing vessel “Gabby G” had taken 5,200 pounds of Whiting over the legal limit. The case will be turned over to the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Law Enforcement for the federal fishing violation.
On the 10th of August, Officer Stanko arrested an individual at Rocky Neck State Park for Breach of Peace after he learned from the distraught mother of a young boy that a 56 year old man had attempted to entice the juvenile. The suspect told the boy “I like your

Officer Chemacki arrested an individual at Hammonassett Beach State Park on the 12th of August for Driving under the Influence. Officer Chemacki had received a report of an intoxicated female attempting to get in to her car at the Mieg’s Point Nature Center. She was stopped before she left the Park and was processed and released from the Madison Police Department after posting a cash bond.
Another incident at Hammonassett on the 14th involved Officer Reilly, who arrested an individual for Weapons in a Motor Vehicle and Hours of Operation after a motor vehicle stop. The man was in possession several knives that were hidden in his vehicle, including a dagger with a 5 ½” double edged blade. He was also wanted by Windsor Police on a warrant for Larceny. He was transported to Windsor Police department after being processed at the State Police Barracks in Westbrook.
On the 10th of August, Sergeant Dwyer, Officers Stanko and Samorajczyk responded to a one vessel boating accident on Long Island Sound in Clinton. There were no injuries reported after the recreational vessel capsized ½ mile southwest of the Kelsey Point breakwater. Clinton Fire Department rescued the occupants from the overturned boat. The accident is still under investigation.
On August 13th, Officer Stanko was participating in a department boating safety initiative at the Baldwin Bridge State Boat Launch on the Connecticut River. During the enforcement detail he arrested an individual for Boating under the Influence and Possession of Alcohol by a Minor. The individual was processed at Old Saybrook Police Department and released after posting a $500 non surety bond.
Eastern District
On August 15th, 2011 the State EnCon Police received a complaint about dumping taking place at Nye Holman State Forest in Ellington, CT. The complaint was handled by Officer Laura Pettus, who, with the assistance of Park Manager Dean Hyde, determined the waste was non-toxic. After a lengthy investigation, a suspect was developed and Officer Pettus was able to issue the accused an infraction for littering in the State Forest.
On August 19th, 2011 Officer Matt Stone served a warrant on a Willimantic woman for Larceny 6th Degree, Credit Card Theft, and Illegal Use of a Credit Card. The arrest stemmed from a complaint Officer Stone received on July 9th, 2011 at Diana’s Pool in Chaplin, CT. Officer Stone developed the suspect and through diligent investigation and tenacity, he was able to procure an arrest warrant from the Superior Court and arrest the person responsible. The accused was released on a $1000 non-surety bond.
Around midnight on August 10th, 2011 EnCon Officer Matt Stone was on routine patrol in the Town of Ashford when he noticed the vehicle in front of him operating improperly. Upon stopping the vehicle Officer Stone, through standardized field sobriety testing, determined the operator was under the influence of alcohol and arrested the suspect for the same. The accused was transported to State Police – Troop C in Tolland for further testing and processing, and was released on a $500 non-surety bond to his wife that morning.
On August 19th, 2011 at approximately 5:15 PM Special Conservation Officer John Marvin was travelling Eastbound on Interstate 84 in the Town of Union. As he neared Exit 74 he came upon a motor vehicle accident in which one person was deceased and one person was in critical condition. SCO Marvin was the first official to arrive at the scene and immediately went into action calling for medical services and police back-up. He directed arriving EMS personnel to the injured parties and upon arrival of Lifestar; he guided the helicopter to a safe landing zone. SCO Marvin obtained witness names and kept them separated until they could be interviewed by the accident investigators, all while directing traffic on a busy highway.
On August 30, 2011 Officer Lindo was on patrol at Gardner Lake in Salem. Officer Lindo observed a small inflatable vessel with three persons on board. The vessel was being paddled away from shore. Officer Lindo called the vessel back to shore for a vessel safety check. Upon returning the three subjects refused to cooperate with Officer Lindo’s request for identification and began using profanity at him. The three continued to ignore Officer Lindo and began walking away from him. Several officers were called to assist. The three subjects, one a juvenile, were placed under arrest for Breach of Peace and interfering with an officer. They were transported to the State Police barracks at Troop K and processed. Numerous witnesses that were at the lakeside beach stated the three suspects had been urinating on the beach and were causing a disturbance due to their unruly behavior.
Western District Highlights
On August 8th, Sergeant Chris Dwyer, Officers Greg Ulkus and Jeff Samorajczyk responded to Long Island Sound in West Haven for a report of a rider on a personal watercraft suffering an injury after falling from the PWC. A 14 year old male was riding on a PWC with his father when the youth was thrown from the rear of the PWC during a turn. The youth suffered a serious head injury and was transported to Yale New Haven Hospital for treatment.
On August 22nd, EnCon Police along with DEEP HazMat and State Police responded to a report of a suspected meth lab in Nassahegon State Forest. Several hunters, who were doing pre-season scouting, came across a quantity of chemicals and other items used to manufacture methamphetamine. The chemicals and related items were made safe and removed from the forest. An investigation into the identity of the persons responsible is ongoing.
On August 24th, Officer Greg Ulkus responded to a report of a boat washed up on shore near the Coast Guard station in New Haven Harbor. The body of the operator was found after a search of the harbor. It was determined that the operator of the boat had apparently fallen overboard and drowned.
On August 28th Hurricane Irene impacted the New England region causing massive power outages, tree damage and flooding throughout Connecticut. EnCon Police officers were mobilized for flood rescue and public safety protection. During and immediately after the storm, EnCon Police officers in the Western District handled 24 weather related incidents. Officers removed downed trees from I-84 in Waterbury along with trees and tree limbs from secondary roads in Goshen, Morris, Burlington, Harwinton, Brookfield and Farmington. Officers also conducted numerous inspections of earthen dams throughout the western portion of the state to ensure the integrity of the dams to determine if the dams had been breached or damaged.
On August 28th after Hurricane Irene caused widespread flooding in the state including the Pequabuck River in Bristol, Officer Tim Hill responded to Bristol at the request of the Bristol Police Department to investigate a canoeing fatality. Two subjects launched a canoe in the flooded area of Bristol and were overcome by the current of the floodwaters. The canoe capsized throwing both occupants into the water. One of the occupants was able to make it to higher ground and get out of the water. The second occupant was unable to do so and drowned. The body was recovered several hours after the accident.
On August 30th and 31st, Officers Paul Hilli, Nick Miofsky, Tim Hill and Keith Williams responded to two incidents of kayakers being thrown into the Housatonic River when their kayaks capsized. The Housatonic River was running at a very high flood stage in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. All of the kayakers were located and none suffered any life threatening injuries. [/indent]
[indent] [url "http://www.ct.gov/dep"]Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection[/url]
[url "http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?a=2695&q=322630&depNav_GID=1649"]Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police[/url]
Captain Raul Camejo [url "mailto:raul.camejo@po.state.ct.us"]raul.camejo@ct.gov[/url]