09-30-2011, 01:57 PM
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Perfect Atlantic salmon conditions
This week's ASF RIVERNOTES mentions that conditions are nearly perfect in many of the Atlantic salmon rivers, and fish are continuing to make their way upstream to spawning areas. Read details.
A posting by CHARLES GAINES on the remarkable salmon returns
Charles Gaines posted an article Are Atlantic salmon on the way back? in the Orvis News. It focuses on the increase in large salmon numbers this year. Well worth reading.
Salmon being tracked within inner Bay of Fundy - video & article
ASF has been a partner in an inner Bay of Fundy tracking program that last week released adult Atlantic salmon. The research goal is to discover how many return to their river of origin. There is both a written article and a VIDEO clip on the release of the fish, with ASF's Jonathan Carr interviewed.
Court Convictions in Newfoundland
In Newfoundland, the courts take seriously the rules regarding fishing and poaching. Read the latest set of convictions, since the beginning of August.
Perfect Atlantic salmon conditions
This week's ASF RIVERNOTES mentions that conditions are nearly perfect in many of the Atlantic salmon rivers, and fish are continuing to make their way upstream to spawning areas. Read details.
A posting by CHARLES GAINES on the remarkable salmon returns
Charles Gaines posted an article Are Atlantic salmon on the way back? in the Orvis News. It focuses on the increase in large salmon numbers this year. Well worth reading.
Salmon being tracked within inner Bay of Fundy - video & article
ASF has been a partner in an inner Bay of Fundy tracking program that last week released adult Atlantic salmon. The research goal is to discover how many return to their river of origin. There is both a written article and a VIDEO clip on the release of the fish, with ASF's Jonathan Carr interviewed.
Court Convictions in Newfoundland
In Newfoundland, the courts take seriously the rules regarding fishing and poaching. Read the latest set of convictions, since the beginning of August.