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Hoopin' it up for Bugs

Anybody out at 12:01am Saturday morning?

Yep, It's time again to go after those tasty crustaceans known as Spiny Lobster. If you're not a diver, noooooo problemo! Just get yourself a hoop net, float, and a hundred feet of rope. Oh ya, and some mackerel or other goodies for bait!

Don't need a boat you just need to know where there might be some of the critters AND where theives will not find your net before you can come and make some new found dinner friends. heh heh heh Paddle that float tube out and set your net(s)!!!!

Hoop net all-in-one sets are pretty cheap! $20 or so. Oh ya, you better have a measuring stick and know your DFG regs becasue they'll nail you good the first two weeks of the season!

[size 2]Not a big lobster or crab fan[unsure] Love shrimp though[sly] Cocktail shrimp espcially[Wink][/size]

[size 2] My friend use's his boat for lobsters. He drops the net then marks the spot with GPS waypoints on his Garmin and comes back like a day or two later.[/size]

[size 2] I am lazy. If I wanted some lobsters I would hit Pavillions[blush][/size]

[size 2] To change the subject, did you know snow crab fishing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world?[/size]

[size 2] I watched something on Discovery. Friggin crazy conditions![crazy][/size]

Hi fishfather,

I've seen that program too. Scary how mechanized it is when one guy is hauling/guiding up a trap, another dumping the crabs, and the next guy rebaiting the trap and again dumped in the water. Meanwhile the decks underwater, the winds 60 miles an hour and they're workin' at an insane pace!

Not I, Ohhhhhhhhhh no!

[cool] Hey JR, When does the Bug season start?? I thought that it wasn't until Oct 20th or there abouts. I am also a bug chaser. Usually out of Marina Del Rey. Or in the Santa Barbara area. Good crabs also from Santa Barbara.
[size 2]I saw all those ropes swinging around too. It's amazing more people didn't get dragged overboard than already have.[pirate][/size]

Hey, I have done some of that commercial stuff. It is true that you can make a lot of money in a short time, during the season, but it is definitely a job for someone young, strong and without close family ties.

When you are out on the water, you are working on a deadline for quotas and short seasons. You have to work 24/7 to get your share before the doors slam shut. That means pulling some 20 hour cold, wet and dangerous conditions. But, you can't afford to let fatigue set in, because all it takes is one moment of carelessness and you are over the side and gone forever. And, it is not only the death thing. Almost everyone who has ever worked a boat has trashed hands and broken bones as souvenirs. More than a few commercial guys have fewer than the normal numbers of fingers, toes and other extremities.

NOT FOR ME NO MORE. I think I agree with FF. A pricey fish dinner at a nice restaurant is probably cheaper than the physical toll of getting the fixins. With lobsters, though, it is often possible to get them under quite civilized conditions. Rock on JR.
[cool] Hey TubeDad,

I'm gearing up for this coming lobster season. Maybe I can take a few out there to AZ. I can get them quick frozen so that they maintain that fresh tast. I wonder what Lobster stuffing would be like in the turkey. Or maybe we can just turkey stuff the lobster. Anyway just be ready. I may have to smuggle them in the pumkin pie. hee hee.
[cool]I have always enjoyed stuffing lobster...down my neck. I don't know which I miss the most over here in "Zony Land"...lobster or abalone. Then again, there are the crabs we caught off the pier.

Heck, bring anything you can keep edible and we will find a way to use it. And, I will be properly thankful.
[size 2]I met some guy once that crewed different boats in like Iceland or something and he was huge! Looked like a young arnie[sly][/size]

[size 2] But his hand were all scared and he had scars all over his arms and legs. Looked like he had been whiped![pirate][/size]

[size 2] He told me once he was on a swordfishing run and got knocked over board by a wave at night and knocked out. He said he was floating around for like 5-10 minutes before someone realized he was overboard.[/size]

[size 2] They though he was in the bathroom![crazy][/size]

[size 2] For the crazy tuff. I gave that crazy tuff life up at 25 when I laid a motorcycle down at like 75mph coming around a corner down the Ortega Highway racing.[/size]

[size 2] In therapy for months and still can't grow hair on the back of one of my calfs because pours were fused by heat.[pirate][/size]

[size 2] Red Lobster or Joe's Crab Shack if you please[sly][/size]

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