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How to Protect Yourself from the Blaster Worm and Other Attacks
[Image: warning_icon.gif][size 1]How to Protect Yourself from the Blaster Worm and Other Attacks[/size] [size 1]If your computer is running one of the following, you can help protect it from the Blaster Worm and its variants by installing Security Update for Windows (KB824146): [/size]

[ul] [li][size 1]Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Service Pack 2 or greater [/size] [li][size 1]Microsoft Windows XP [/size] [li][size 1]Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003[/size][/li][/ul]

[size 1]When you click Scan for updates, Windows Update will determine whether you need Security Update for Windows (KB824146); if needed, the update will appear on the Critical Updates and Service Packs page. We also recommend that you check Windows Update regularly for new critical updates and security patches.[/size]

[size 1]For more information (or if you are running Windows NT® version 4, Windows 2000, or Windows 2000 Service Pack 1), click the Read more link.[/size]

[size 1]Note: Security Update for Windows (KB824146), discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-039, includes the fixes in Update MS03-026, in addition to fixes for other security issues Microsoft has found[/size]
[url ""][#0000ff][size 1]Read more...[/size][/#0000ff][/url]
[size 2] Updating security patches from Windows for you system will help but you need to use a virus program that automatically updates itself daily and a firewall for connections that open 24/7 ( DSL and LAN )[/size]

[size 2] I know alot of people don't believe in them but they work. They just have to be set-up right. As soon as a new virus surfaces viruses companies work on defeating it. [/size]

[size 2] As soon as the have the program to defeat it your auto program on your virus program will download it.[/size]

[size 2] Firewall programs when correctly configured will protect you from hackers trying to directing access your system from an open port ( Any system online all the time is at greatest risk )[/size]

[size 2]DSL and LAN.[/size]

[size 2] Trojan viruses which hide in e-mails,etc defeat frontline defenses because they piggy back in on an e-mail which you accept. Usually they will not open until you open an attachment,etc.[/size]

[size 2] Problem with Outlook Express with the view window is some trojan programs can activate by that alone.[/size]

[size 2] If you recieve an e-mail from an unknown person w/an attachment do not open it. Delete it.[/size]

[size 2] If a friend sends you something you are unsure about e-mail them on a seperate e-mail and ask if they sent you an attachment.[/size]

[size 2] If they say no delete it, run your virus scan and have them as well.[/size]

[size 2] Problem is not enough people use virus programs and firewalls so these programs get widespread. [/size]

[size 2] The newest virus's attach to your address book and send out false e-mails with your name and basically spread like a real virus does.[/size]

[size 2] So word to the wise, not sure don't open, delete. Set-up virus scan programs to run daily,DSL and LAN users get firewall programs or hardware.[Wink][/size]

[size 2] I have been infected once. The newest virus that got everyone. It was the worst in along time. The good thing is the technique that person used to defeat the virus programs is now out and virus companies are aware of it.[/size]

[size 2] Mean they can work to defeat future viruses. Good luck on the war of the web![cool][/size]
One of my defense mechanisms in dealing with e-mailed viruses is simple. I don't use any e-mail programs. All my e-mailing is done with webmail. Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. My messages are automatically scanned for viruses, worms, trojans, etc... by using those.

I do have a LAN set up here but both computers are on a dial-up system for online activity. Thinking about getting DSL. What would you recommend for a firewall?
[size 2] They sell a hardware one which is the best. McAffe sells a good one too.[/size]

[size 2] I am sure Norton does as well. Remember just because your e-mail service is off site doesn't mean infected e-mails cannot get through.[/size]

[size 2] Yahoo went off line for like 6 hours in the early AM of the morning of that virus because it shutdown several of there servers.[/size]

[size 2] So I would still recommend a virus program[Wink][/size]
my nortin keeps blocking my isp , i have to uninstall it after it updates itself , any ideas on whats wrong ?
[size 2]Most firewalls have the ability to learn. There are settings to add ISPs or even a specific programs to run automatically.[/size]

[size 2] I would suggest seeing if there is a way to manually enter your ISP or if there is a way to re-install it on default settings and try to access different things and see if you get any pop-ups.[/size]

[size 2] If that still doesn't help I would contact Norton or check Norton's Website to see if there is online help.[/size]
I've had my eye on the hardware one but that's a bit out of my price-range. Is the hardware one upgradeable through downloads?
I dont think you need it to serf the web, just for your email, what I would do is down load your email and then close your outlook express and then you can go to your lower right hand corner and click on the sucurity icon and turn the program off when you are just surfing the net

I dont know much about the sucurity systems I dont bother with them, I dont open attachments. I usualy have to reload my system about twice a year that is just to clean out my system to make sure nothing is working on the hardwear.

I agree with the guys that you should call the 800 or 888 number and ask them what the hey?,

you may have gotten your hands on one with a glitch in it. that dose happen, more often than you think. that is why they have the number there for. I picked up a set of disk that cost me 250 smakers (turbo cad plus) it has a glitch in it, a simple one all I have to do is copy one file and paist it in another folder then the thing works.
[size 2]Hardware one is out of my price range too. I don't really know anything about it but it is almost impossible to bypass because it's hardware not software.[/size]

[size 2] Best thing you could do is hit a Best Buy, Circuit City,CompUSA,Fry's,etc. Any place that sells computer software and hardware to read specs.[Wink][/size]

[size 2]Good luck[cool][/size]
Thanks! I'll be near Best Buy and Circuit City tomorrow morning getting a lot of my hairs cut (what good would it do to just have a hair cut and still hafta pay full price?)

I'll let you know what I find out.
hahaha dave, tells ya how much i know bout computers, haha when i first read it i thoughtit was some invasion on worms were not suppose to use.fishin! hahaha see i can laugh at myself haha how do ya like me now?? hahaha later

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