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Starving the Kids at Starvation...
I took my kids (Krypto and the Scoob) for an extended ice fishing trip on Dec. 30th. It was Krypto's idea: "Dad I would like to go ice fishing before Jan. 1" You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was happy to oblige. I figured Pelican Lake would be fun and we spent some time there and a caught a few but still wanted to try for some more at Starvation. I had never fished Starvation even though TubeDude has told me umpteen times that I need to start fishing there. I guess he has been telling me this for nearly 2 years. Ok Pat, I went...sans float tube.

We did ok. We found some rainbows who were willing to hit our teeny offerings. I haven't heard the drag sing like that in a while...granted it was 4 lb test on ultralight rods. We took home 5 of the biggest. Both Krypto and Scoob pulled in some healthy fish. Scoob had a monster barely hooked and his klutz of a Dad couldn't get the fish's head up through the hole in the ice. Scoob experienced his first "professional long line release." He wasn't happy but we still managed to get some grins out of the kids. We had a good time and I realized a day of ice fishing is a great way to get your kids to go to bed early. [Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]N-ice work. Now get ready to Saddle up your tube about May or June for some wallie action.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those slimy silver things pull hard, don't they?[/#0000ff]
Nice, chunky fish! We were there yesterday too, about froze in that cold wind but the beautiful bows made it sooo worth it. Thanks for sharing your report! We fished by the bridge, and in that general area. Where were you fishing?

Thanks again for the report and pix! [Smile]
They really put up a fight! Tube will be ready for spring for sure. The bigger bows had crawfish in their stomachs. Can't wait to run them through some hot grease!
We were in that same general area. We punched several holes and realized that within six feet the water depth had changed from 30 to 42 feet deep. The fish were all over from 7 feet to 28 feet.We didn't move a lot either since my kids were tired from walking all over Pelican. Luckily the fish cooperated.

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