03-20-2012, 10:28 PM
The anual K & D Winter big pike contest ended on the 15th of march.
the top three pike came in came in real close together.
dispite the lack of ice in sothern michigan the pike contest was a suscessfull event.
the top three rated
34 inches 10 lbs = 44 total score
34 inches 9 lbs = 43 total score
33 inches 9 lbs = 42 total score
K & D Is located in Waterford on M-59 just east of Williams Lake road.
K & D Runs this contest though out the winter from first ice to the close of pike season on march 15th
entry fee is $1.oo - Big Fish takes all.
Pike must be taken in to the store for measurments.
Here is a photo of the 2012 Big Pike contest.
Yes, that is yours truley holding this years winner.
Last year I was mearly a contender falling from first in to second.
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