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Cabo Bite Report
[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000]April 23-29 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Well,it looks as if I brought some weather back with me on my return fromSan Diego. While I was gone we had warm mornings where it was 77degrees at 6am and the days warmed to the high 90's. Now, at the endof the week our morning high was 61 degrees and the daytime highslook to be in the high 70's. Not only that, but it has been cloudyfor most of the week and this weekend the wind really started to blowwith heavy gusts on Saturday afternoon, strong winds Sunday morningwith the wind laying down a bit by noon.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]With the cloud cover we had no decent sea surface temperaturereadings from the satellites, any readings we had were made frombeing on the water. From what we were able to ascertain, the surfacetemperatures on the Pacific side were in the mid to high 60's,depending on where you were with the cooler water occurring closer tothe beach, and the surface conditions while great early in the week,became almost un-fishable by the weekend due to the winds. On theCortez side things were quite a bit better with the water between 72and 75 degrees early in the week and dropping an average of onedegree for the weekend. Surface conditions were much better than onthe Pacific, the winds did not generate a large swell on the Cortezside, just some choppy conditions around the 95 spot and a generalchoppy aspect in the afternoons. [/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Caballitoand Mackerel as well as a few Mullet could be had for $3 per bait. Afew of the bait boats had “frozen” ballyhoo for between $3-4,each, but you never know how many times they had been “frozen”.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: Still just “OK”, not wide open by any means, and the fish arestill showing well from the 95 spot on up the coast on the Cortezside, across the 1150 and the San Jose Canyon. This warmer, veryblue water has been showing us a lot of fish, but they have not beenvery hungry. A decent trip results in a release, a good trip in tworeleases and one of the best trips I heard of had 4 releases out of12 bites. The fish have been there in good numbers but have beenstuffed on all the squid that is out there. One of the secrets (butnot any more!) has to been taking a 13 inch hollow plastic squidshell and stuffing it with some squid from the market, then slowtrolling four or five of these so that they just slide on thesurface. Match the hatch, right size and right taste, they are usedto eating them and they are easier to catch than live Mackerel orCaballito. You just have to let the Marlin chew a bit longer, givethem three or four more seconds before letting the line come tight sothe circle hook sets in the jaw. [/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: We are still waiting for a decent showing onYellowfin, and I hope that it happens soon. There were a fewfootballs caught this week by boats fishing approximately 25 miles tothe south, but these were blind strikes with no signs of the fishbeing there other than a reel suddenly singing out. No porpoise, nobirds, and the fish appeared to be moving fairly fast as a quick passback over the same area seldom produce repeat hook-ups.
[#000000]DORADO: There were some decent numbers ofsmall fish caught this week, all on the Cortez side of the Cape inthe warmer waters. Most of the fish were caught fairly close to thebeach, but these were also the smaller fish. Once again the largerfish, though few in number, were caught offshore by boats fishing forMarlin. Everything likes to eat Squid! [/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: Once again there were a few Wahoocaught, and they were found in the warm water around the 1150 area. While not large they were decent size, between 20 and 30 pounds. Farther up the coast on the Pacific side there were small Wahoocaught, small as in Min-hoo, with a large fish going 7 pounds. Wow,almost like a larger Sierra! The East Cape was seeing a few of theselittle guys.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: Still fish of the week,Yellowtail have been the meat and potatoes for the fleet once again. While a few of the Captains are saying the Yellowtail are not biting,everyone we have had out has managed to catch at least three of fourof them, and some of them have been as large as 40 pounds! Live baitfished just off the bottom was the key for success, yo-yo'ing ironwas not as productive, and slow trolling large lipped, deep divingartificials did not do very well at all. The Sierra bite was on aswell with decent numbers of fish being caught, and some of them werevery nice sized for the species, coming in at 7-9 pounds, but ofcourse the average was 5-6 pounds. Add in a scattering of Jacks andGrouper and the inshore action was pretty good this week![/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! [/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: I am back after a pretty uneventfuldelivery to San Diego. 9 days, traveling during the day withwonderful weather and only minor problems along the way. Sure isgood to be back! This weeks report was written to the music ofAdele, a decent mix from the albums 19 and 21. Friday night we had achance to listen to the Brian Flynn band at the Cabo Lounge and ourfriend Daniel Touchman stopped by and played a few songs on Brian'sguitar. His girlfriend (and my old editor from “Discover”magazine) stepped up to the microphone and wowed us with a fantasticcover of “Me and Bobby McGee”. What a great evening we had. Friends stopped at Zippers in San Jose on the way to the airportyesterday to drop off the kids and grandchild and watched at leastthree whales playing just off the beach. Nice to know that these arestill around.[/#000000]
[#000000]Until next week, Tight Lines![/#000000]

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