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New Utah Lake Pamphlet
[cool][#0000ff]Those of us who have been attending the series of DWR open houses have been privileged to pick up copies of the new Utah Lake pamphlet. I posted a link last week to the online part of it. But just got this letter from Chris Crockett...along with a PDF file for the printed version.[/#0000ff]
Hello all, I wanted to make sure everyone has seen the new Utah Lake Access Pamphlet the DWR recently completed. Scott Root and Cory Maylett, with input from local anglers, have done a great job with the pamphlet. Waterproof copies are available at our Central Region Office. If you'd like multiple copies to distribute to your friends or organization please give me a heads up and I'll make sure you get as many as needed.

There is also a companion website for the pamphlet at [url "wlmailhtml:{61D7A269-CB08-4213-8924-C9BEFF1ADBB3}mid://00000004/!x-usc:"][/url] Earlier comments from the Utah Lake Fish Forum were instrumental in pushing the need for such a document. Also attached is a pdf version.

Take Care

Chris Crockett
Native Aquatics Project Leader
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
(801) 491-5655
[url "wlmailhtml:{61D7A269-CB08-4213-8924-C9BEFF1ADBB3}mid://00000004/!"][/url]
Thanks TD. Good info.
A waterproof PDF, now that is impressive. What will they think of next! [sly][:p]

Thanks TD - nice of you to share, as always.
Now share us up some-a them White Bass! teehee.
[cool][#0000ff]Waterproof PDF? You gotta slow down your reading or quit snortin' the smelly jelly. The waterproof is in reference to the printed pamphlet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]White bass? MINE. ALL MINE. I WON'T SHARE.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Well...maybe a few hundred thousand among friends. Gotta come pick your own though. And don't bring no bucket.[/#0000ff]
Thats why folks is havin a hard time findin white bass. TD has em all herded up in a secret spot and he aint sharing. ....Geeez
[cool][#0000ff]Nay. Not so. It has finally happened. Overfishing of white bass...with no limits...had just about wiped them out. Probably down to the last billion or so.[/#0000ff]
That should still be enough for shore lunch. But they have been a bit spotty this year but then again Mother nature provides a couple of extra lungs full of wind everytime I go out.
[cool][#0000ff]Aha! You may be onto something...or just on something. As long as the white bass are spawning they are very sensitive to the winds and temperatures. Female white bass will not release their eggs if the water temps are not warm enough to let the eggs hatch and survive. So whenever the wind blows in and a front cools the water the fish move out into deeper spots to wait it out.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the flip side, once the baby whities and carplets hatch out and school up along the shoreline and in the reeds the white bass love it when it's windy. They feed right in the slop when the wind is blowing in the young fry and has them disoriented.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have not caught a white bass with food in its belly for about 2 months. They are getting skinny and they need to put on the feed bag. They WILL hit if you find them. But you can't catch them where they ain't.[/#0000ff]
I manage to find 1 or 2 now and again but yeah most days I have managed to get out this year there is a wind (45 mph gusts) and a cold front moving in....Like tomorrow[unimpressed]

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