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Bronzeback Trout
"The world of fly fishing is changing fast ïn Dixie," says Jeff
Kirk, editor of Southern Trout Magazine. "However, nothing prepared us
for the discovery of the bronzeback trout in the waters of Tennessee."
Kirk is referring to recent decisions made to include the game fish that
was formerly known to most as the smallmouth bass, as an honorary member
of the Southern Trout family.
"The bronzeback trout will have full editorial honors, privileges
and content coverage as is afforded to the rainbow, brown and brook
trouts," says Kirk. "This change of status for the bronzeback trout
enables us to maintain our strict policy that Southern Trout Magazine is
the only publication in the world devoted exclusively to trout fishing
in the South.
This is stupid. A trout is a trout. A bass is a BASS. so therefore southern trout magazine isnt just about trout fishing.

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Got to agree. Okay, a game fish, but that doesn't mean it has to be a Trout. A bass is a Bass.

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