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[font "Calibri"][Image: happy.gif] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]Family outings can be fun, but any vacation these days whether on a weekend trip or two weeks can be decidedly expensive. I have always been the outdoor type and although I have had the same job for over a decade I really don’t have the money for motel rooms, especially in this recession? For over 30 years, I have been an avid gold prospector, fresh water fisherman; therefore I needed some form of reasonably priced tent for at least three people? I am a bit nervous of laying on a ground sheet, so preferable the back of my truck where I could sleep. Anyway, nothing I saw publicized worked out for me, especially for my wife and 2 kids. Then I saw this big truck pass me with this unusual tent attached to the bed. It was near Los Angeles airport, so I pulled alongside and caught the driver's attention. [/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]After stopping near the terminal, he gave me a tour of this (I guess) soft shell camper. It was absolutely perfect for my needs and found the cost was just less than $500. He called it a “Frogi” that perfectly describes it. We stopped off a “Starbucks” store and ordered a couple of drinks, and where he talked about his invention. I was surprised to learn that this chap was living with Leukemia, but it didn’t seem to conflict with anything he was doing. I really liked what I saw and he was even willing to take a check. He said, laughingly, “Is this good?” Anyway true to his promise, he delivered two boxes to my home himself, complete with instructions.[/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]This camper shape is over 6 foot tall and tons of room inside to move around, and to keep equipment as metal detectors, fishing tackle dry. There is ample ventilation, including windows and the actual inventor gave me a quick ride around. It took me less than 30 minutes to assemble the camper on the back of my truck, and I have already used it for gold prospecting, and even taking my oldest son to the local lake fishing. What really compensated me for the camper was it costs nothing in gas to drive it anywhere. [/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]Those heavy metal campers attached to the truck, causes drag whereas this camper whizzed along the road and didn’t even rattle. I recommend this camper/ tent to any outdoorsman or women who spend a lot of time, in the desert or the rough back roads of America. It’s a great money saver and every hunter, camper, fisherman, canoeist; gold hunter should check it out at [/font][url ""][font "Calibri"][/font][/url][font "Calibri"] website. There are also great pictures, a video and even testimonials on [/font][url ""][font "Calibri"][/font][/url][font "Calibri"] website. I couldn’t have purchased anything better, for any enthusiast, at a reasonable price for any kind of outdoorsman. I even use the camper for odd jobs around the house.[/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]For years I worked on passenger ships and have detected all around the world. Started my own Historical map company, sold it but still have over 32-36 thousands state, country, township and range, railroad, civil war, mining and a whole host more. The majority of the maps are all in color. Found gold in the Mojave Desert in California. Hunted in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and England where I was born. Being a Crew member on Princess Cruises, I have made regular trips to Skagway, Juneau along the inside passage of Alaska and fished and detected for gold. [/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]One of my favorite outdoor past times is Salmon and Trout fishing, which helps to keep the stress away after disembarking from the craziness of ship employment. After working for four months, with little time off you need a break. Anytime I get free I’m off to a local river, to caste my line and sit quietly on the bank with my family. Took my family along the Trans Alaska highway, with this camper tent I purchased a few summers ago. I have some great friends who live in Minnesota, Vancouver Canada, who like me have some of the same outdoor activities. In England I have located old medieval and Roman coins along the River Thames foreshore. Over the years I have purchased numerous metal detectors including a Garrett and Whites. I wrote 13 Historical map books that are now out of print, which illustrated the latest USGS map that you could compare next to an earliest ‘Topo’ map ever printed, mostly covering California.[/font]

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