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Not even to the hump yet.
Well, I just did the math and it's been about 114 days since I've walked on water. Seems a lot longer than that to me. On the down side, it's still 145 days left until I expect to be walking on water again.[frown] That's just too darn long. [frown] We're not even half way there yet!!!!![mad]

Anyone up for a trip south? Perhaps if we go far enough south we could do some ice fishing? There must be some place in southern Argentina that would have some ice, or perhaps New Zealand. And then I woke up....
I have not heard of anyone ice fishing in Alstrailia. Being that dragons are cold blooded, I cant emagin there would be any ice worth walking on in New "Z"

one of these daze when I have nothing better to do, I think I will google "Ice fishing south of the equator"

been way to long since I last walked on the ice, and there is no garentee that I we will get ice in my area this year, we got such a tiny bit last year that we could not get on any of the lakes in my area. Third time this has happened in the last decade. [pirate]

but if you find any hot spots down south, or any cold spots for that matter, be sure to let us know. might be worth taking a summer vacation to go sit on a block of ice. sure could use it after last week's 100z+ temps....
I don't know about Argentina, but I did find some stuff that would indicate there is icefishing in NZ. [Smile]
here in michigan it is a chilling 102* and climbing...

so how do we hook dragons for bait?

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