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Cabo Bite Report
[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] Aug 6 - 12, 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Well,I'm back from my delivery to Oxnard (great trip Carl!) and while itwas hot up there, around 100 degrees, I came home to just as hot or abit more at 103 degrees and a lot more humidity, 80% yesterday! Marytells me it has been this way all week long, and yesterday we hadsome cloud cover move in. It's 7 AM now and the reading on the backporch is 83 degrees and 85% humidity! The lows have been in the mid80's, warm enough that we have had the A/C unit on at night in orderto sleep. It appears that the week was mostly sunny and warm, but wemight be getting some more cloud cover a bit later in the week alongwith a bit of wind and larger swells. This will be due to tropicalstorm Hector passing to the southwest of us. As of today Hector is480 kilometers to the south with winds extending out 240 kilometersand moving to the WNW with high expectations of moving more to thewest shortly. This means that we will not be getting high winds, butprobably some decent swells with a few gusts.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]Onthe Cortez side of the Cape the water has been much warmer at 87-89degrees, if you go up to the East Cape area it warms to 89-90degrees. On the Pacific side it is a bit cooler at 81-83 degreeswith the cooler water on the inside of the San Jaime and the GoldenGate Banks. This cooler water is a bit off-color, but not enough toreally mess with the fishing. Checking the charts I can see 85degree water out to the southwest that appears to be almost purple,it is so clear. The swells have been small for most of the week, butright at the beginning there were some giant ones coming in wherethey were actually coming into the beach-side bars and restaraunts. There were quite a few folks on the plane down who were coming in theexpectation that Hector was going to deliver those same type ofswells so they could catch some big surf.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Caballitoand Mullet were available at the normal $3 per bait and you could getthem if you were out early, many boats were unable to get bait andhad to settle for frozen horse ballyhoo at $3 each. [/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: The Striped Marlin are still out there and there appears to be moreSailfish than we normally have, both of these have been the mainstayof the billfishing this past week. The majority of the StripedMarlin have been found from due south of the Cape to the Pacific sideinside the banks, in the slightly cooler water. Most of the Sailfishhave been found due south and to the east in the Sea of Cortez in theslightly warmer water, but of course there have been both speciesfound in both areas, it's just that the chances to get any particularspecies improves a bit in certain area. As far as the largerBillfish go, there have been a few Blue Marlin caught and many morelost this week, some of the fish that have been reported as lost werealso reported as being well over 300 pounds (imagine that, huh?) buta few of the reports were made by skipper I have a lot of faith in. I did not hear anyone talk about getting any Black Marlin this week,so while there may have been a few, they were not large. Live baitwas the most common method of getting the Striped Marlin andSailfish, with the bait being thrown in front of sleeping fish ordropped back to fish appearing in the lure pattern. The Blues wereall reported as being lure fish.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: Not much to say here, there are still a few aroundbut it appears that the purse seiners got most of the schools thatwere packed up around the Golden Gate Bank. On my delivery north wearrived at the Golden gate well past the charter boats leaving thearea and we spotted two seiners pursing their nets about 6 miles tothe northwest of the bank. Arriving in the area we spotted not birdsor Dolphin but boxed the area for a while. Eventually we spottedtuns breaking the surface while chasing small baits and ended uplimiting out on fish from 10 to 20 pounds. After about 90 minutesand the onset of dark we spotted two more seiners arriving from thenorth, and on radar spotted one more much farther to the northheading down. There went the tuna, sigh. Hopefully it won't be longbefore more show up. On the Cortez side there have been some tuna ofabout the same size found on the northern banks past Punta Gorda butit has been reported as an early bite because unless you get Sardinas(only a limited number available early) it is just an exercise infrustration.

[#000000]DORADO: Definitely the fish of the week,Dorado have been keeping anglers happy with good numbers of fish from8 to 15 pounds as well as enough larger fish to 30 pounds to testtheir skill. A few fish to 50 pounds have been reported as well. Most of the smaller fish have been taken close to shore while thelarger ones have been a bit farther offshore. As usual, working theFrigate birds, if you can find the swooping down, has offered thebest opportunity for good catches, but trolling brightly coloredlures and keeping the first fish hooked up in the water has alsoworked well for multiple hook-ups. The Pacific side of the Capeappears to be producing more fish that the Cortez side, but that canchange at any time.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: The numbers of Roosterfish beingfound has dropped off a bit this week, perhaps due to the largeswells at the beginning of the week. There is still a decent bitefor Amberjack and a few Grouper. If you leave early there is alsothe possibility of getting a few red snapper. Most of the Pangashave been working off the beach fishing for Dorado as they have beenvery consistent. [/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! I know I'm slacking on this. I have a pile right next tome.[/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: Off to the beach once again, and gladto go. I need to get into the water! My music for the week was onceagain Adele off of the 21 album. Until next week, tight lines![/#000000]

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