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New kid on the block
Hey all...first of all I'd like to say I'm new here. I'm from the suburbs of Chicago. I've been a long time lurker but this is my first post.
I've been fishing for about a year and a half. I spend most of my time wading through the rivers here in Illinois. If it's got teeth I love to catch it.

In the short time I've been fishing I've tried to target everything I possibly could. Walleye, huge long nose gar, norther pike, muske, king salmon...and even the little guys rainbows and brown trout on the fly rod.

Lately I've been getting into the salt. My family moved down to the Caymans so I try to get down there as much as possible to fish some of the flats. Last Nov I hooked into my first tarpon and let me say I'm HOOKED!!! lol

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