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[  ]This here post is for you fisherman and fisherladies , to give simple tips that would make icefishing easier. Try to give tips that won't cost much , or stuff you can find laying around the house.
Flagmanonice ...
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My first one will be for you tipup fisherman... when its windy , and theres no snow on the ice to bank it up so your flag won't keep getting set off , I picked up a couple hard plastic window wells from a local hardware store for $ 8.00 . There 12 inches high , and when my flag goes up , I can see it from the backside and the front.
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Another one for the tipup person would be how to keep your holes open when its cold . I drill through the ice , then I drill right next to it ( so they overlap alittle) down so theres a inch of water in it . Then i take a can with holes in it and put it in another can , slighly bigger without holes. Then I put charcoal in the small one and light it. Then I put it in the shallow hole. It keeps the hole open for a couple hours or more by adding charcoal every so often.
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That's a really good idea. I like it.
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Heres a way to catch more perch ! Basically its a whitefish set up , but it works good on perch too ! Take a daredevil ( or some thing like it) and take the trebel hook off , then tie it to your line , then on the bottom end of the daredevil , tie a 12 inch to 16 inch line with a small hook of your choice. Then just jig it , and the flash will bring in the fish. It also works on other fish also.
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That is a good tip. I use a small Kastmaster with the treble hook removed. It makes much easier to get a small jig down deep fast. This is especially important when you have a fast bite that's not going to last long. I fish a location on a reservoir here in Utah that has a fast bite for perch just before sundown. The perch seem to move into this area that is about 40' deep about 1 hour before sundown. Once the sun sets the bite stops. So if you want to load up on perch it is important to be able to get your jig back down fast after each fish you catch.
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[  ] A larger swedish pimple works good to. Once we caught a tulippe fishing for walleyes , and didn't have the set up i mentioned before , so I took a pimple and a ice jig , and tiped it with a piece of rubberband about the size of a wax worm , and we just hammered them without losing the rubber band . Thx hookngrinin
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[cool] Heres one , but it's a little work out there on the ice. If your fishing a river with faster current , drill 2 holes connected to each other . Then take a smaller downrigger ball with a line release a foot off the bottom , lower them down by hand like you would in open water , and wait for them to pull it from the release. The you can pull the ball up quick , and set the hook. You can even use spinners , which is kinda fun , and productive.
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[quote Flagmanonice]Another one for the tipup person would be how to keep your holes open when its cold ..[/quote]
what I usualy do is, insted of kicking the ice away after drilling my hole, I bank the shavings on the up wind side of the hole. I do this even if there is snow on the ice. it helps to block the wind, snow dose blow in to the hole, but it dosnt freeze as fast.
I do check my holes once an hour weather it is freezing or not, Reason is because we have mudpuppies in my area, they are netorious for steeling bait with out ever setting off the flag. also they like to take your bait streight down in to the muck and weeds at the bottom of the lake.
to help the holes from freezing to fast I stir the water all the way down to the bottom of my hole, the water is wormer than on the top.
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I leave the trible hook on the flasher, that way if a fish hits the flasher you catch him.
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Thx Curt , but the one thing you wanna check is your state regs , cause some states like mine , you can't have several hooks on one line ( wish we could ) , thx for the tip Curt.
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[cool]Heres one for the person that likes to use bigger minnows under a tipup. If you minnow keeps setting you flag off , the two things I like to do is 1). clip the back fin off with a scissors so it can't get no momentum , or 2). take a leader and screw it next to your tipup middle . Then put a downrigger release on the leader and use it like you would in open water , tightening it to the right pressure. Hope I explained this right , cause it sure helps on false flags.
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im with curt on this one except i remove the trebble from the kastmaster or sweedish pimple and throw a #8 straight barbless hook on mine so its not so difficult to release fish if i need to
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What I like to use to reduce false flags is one like you said tighten the settings a bit, but then I add several large split sinkers to tire the bait fish faster.
this also helps to keep your bait from swimming in to the reeds and bottom of the lake.
do keep in mind that mudpuppies can still steel your larg minnow bait with out setting off your flag.
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Anyone got a picture of a "mudpuppy". I have no idea what you are talking about.
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It is what some people call salamander larvae. Here is a photo of a tiger salamander larvae.
[inline "salamander larvae.jpg"]
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Here's a mud puppy....
[url ""][img][/img][/url]
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here is a couple Puppies that I have caught.
most of the ones I catch are though the ice, but I do catch a few trout fishing in the spring off the bottom with a set line.
they especialy like shiners but will go after a minnow or a worm.
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=61368]](;postatt_id=61368)
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Here's one that I use alot , mainly for tip up fishing . Take a 25 ft measuring tape and put it down the hole , and it will tell you within a inch how deep it is , also , if you softly bounce it on the bottom , you can feel how much muck is down there. It helps if there's 10 inches of it , cause if you just use a weight , that will go down into the muck , and give you a false reading, and your bait could be laying on the bottom. It also will tell you if theres sand , rock , or weeds. Try it once , and you'll make it a thing you use everytime you go out. Also , bring a rag with to wipe off the water so your tape don't freeze . If it does get frozen , put it by your heater and it will thaw.
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I have used that one too, but I always forget to set it in front of the heater to dry it out every night so I have to get a new one every year.[angelic]
A towl is a must for ice fishing, I am but one of vary few ice anglers out in my area you will find with a towl on hand, and actualy I use a shower hanger hook and hang the towl to the hamer loop of my carhardts so it is always ready. You would think that something like that would get in the way, suprisingly it dosnt. I dont forget to dry that out every night.[:p]
another thing I like to do is use the same hole over and over again day after day. most all of my buddies are the same way. if one of us gets there first we will open up all the regular holes, this saves time and reduces noise later and saves on gas if we only have to start the auger once. One of the funniest parts about using the same hole is, one mans presentation works in that hole while anothers wont even get a bite.
using the sinker on a string method, I put a treble hook on the bottom, drop it down and see what is hooked to it when I pull it back up. That will tell me for sure what I am fishing over, sand weeds or muck... and if the muck stinks, I will move cuz I know the fish will tast bitter as well.