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Found rods at Lindon
[#0000FF]I put up a post on the fishing at Lindon yesterday but forgot to say anything about the rods I found at daybreak. I was the first on the ramp and there were two rods laying beside it that appeared to have been laid there carefully and then forgotten while loading up to leave.

Decent quality gear and I am sure someone is not happy about losing them...if they even know they are missing. Dang kids.

Anybody who can identify the description or brand names...will get it back...gladly.
Nice Pat![cool]
Where were you when Hubby left his boot foot breathable hippers sitting on the ramp at Jordanelle. Sat on the back of the flat bed trailer to put his shoes on, let the hippers sitting there, got in the truck and drove off.
[#0000FF]Seems like we all have slap-the-forehead stories of stuff we have left behind...and never recovered. Once in a while we get it back but often it is "reclaimed" by the next person there...without much effort to see that it gets back to the owner.

Sorry but I didn't have your itinerary for that day...nor did I know you were going to leave something. Probably wasn't my size anyway. Well, maybe. He's a big boy too.

Where you been?

Not fishing any more?
Ha! Haven't been fishing, but want to--need to. Been pedaling my bike a lot.

Now if I can just find my gear... I would really like to take my tenkara rod out to Pelican among other things. Would like to hook up with you for a trip or two. Not sure when though. Work is getting real busy.
[#0000FF]Now you're being silly. Do I know you?
it happens even to the best of us,I once stopped fishing for about a year,seen lots of videos from guys they put up from years ago but no new videos,like they gave up fishing maybe moved or something.
Silly? Yeah you know me...
I know how that feels. My sister left one of my cherished Fenwicks beside the ramp at strawberry once, came back just five minutes later and it was Gone. Someone got a very nice and sentimental rod of mine!!! Hope they have enjoyed it.....
There are some good honest people out there. Coming back from a fishing trip at Silver Lake Flat I laid the poles down while loading the four wheeler and forgot them there. About an hour later I returned in a panic to find someone had stood them up against a big rock neatly for me to find.
[#0000FF]That is a happy ending.

I have witnessed plenty of similar outcomes. But unfortunately plenty of the other kind too.

Worst case scenario is when someone "finds" your tackle that wasn't even in the back of your car or boat. Sometimes it even requires them to break in to "find" it.

One of our Salt Lake BFTers lost some tackle out of his garage. He "found" it a week later in a "garage sale"...of all places. Called the police who helped him reclaim it. I hate thieves.
I was doing an overnight hike in the Uintas going after Grayling and somewhere along the way, I lost my wallet in the wilderness. No kidding, a few days after I got home, someone tracked me down and we met up. All of the cash, etc. was still in the wallet -- it was a 17 year old kid.

[#0000FF]Good story. Hope you get the chance to pay it forward.

I had a bad experience along that line. I found a wallet sitting beside a pay phone. Had some ID but no phone number. Couldn't find a phone so I drove it several miles to the residence address. The lady freaked much as accusing me of taking her wallet...and even claimed it was missing $20. I was humbled by her "gratitude".
Summer of 1968 I stopped to get my hair cut in Granger, found a wallet in the parking lot. It had over $300.00 in it along with a drivers license. After calling several numbers with that last name, I found the owner. He acted like he wanted me to deliver it to him but I told him to come get it. Young guy. First thing the punk did was count the money and told me some was missing. At that point I kinda lost it and told him if I was gonna take his money, I'd have taken it all. He made some crack and I tried to drag him out of his car and teach him some manners but somehow he managed to hang on, get the car in gear and back out of my driveway. Haven't seen him since. Some peoples kids!
[#0000FF]Hey Tom, if you were as big as your temper they would have to have a super super heavyweight division for you in MMA. Just be careful. Sometimes us old guys start writin' checks our bodies cain't cash no more.

Just a note on the rods. I had in mind that if the owner didn't show up I might donate them to Steve on his kids and vets boat. Visited with him at Provo Harbor today and we talked about you. Nothing good of course.

Howsomever, I called Danny, the manager at Lindon Harbor a while ago to see if anybody had reported losing those rods. Turns out that a regular from the Salt Lake area noticed them missing the next morning and was much agrieved at their loss...not expecting to ever see them again. I gave Danny my number and he will pass it on to the guy who lost the rods. Dang it.

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