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Catfish bait?
I was just curious if anyone has tried talapia or any other non utah fish to catch catfish? I was not able to hook up with any white bass so I decided to resort to talapia. I will keep my fingers crossed that those kitties like what I have. But as a backup plan ill be sure to bring some worms and shrimp.
Save the tilapia for yourself. As a kid I found hotdogs to work very well on catfish. At Lake Powell a few years back I found hotdogs work extremely well as long as they're aren't too many bass around to slow you down with bycatch.
here's a dog rig I came across.

[inline $(KGrHqVHJCUE8fjoOGVoBPOmH!IVHQ~~60_12.JPG]

Also saw a hot dog threader, much like a worm threader.

Or check out this elastic bandage business. I got some sucker guts to pack up!

I commonly dangle a worm under a bobber - beads or blades to entice. Shrimp is a good option, and it ain't stinky and nasty as Chicken livers to work with. But I play to pack up and freeze some "tube-baggies" in baggies for ready use, and kitty abuse.
Don't do it, nor do I condone it, but my old roommate used baby kitties and did really well. Think I'll just keep sturgeon fishing with 8 inch trout. Shrimp is for eating.
[#000000][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]You gusy need to know that fishing with live fish in Utah is illegal. Also, you cannot take tilapia caught from another state and use it as bait in Utah, that is illegal. You would be introducing a foreign species. And with the other advice[/size][/font][/#000000], [#000000][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]live catfish babies are not allowed as bait, you cannot use live fish for bait, you might introduce diseases and crappy muzzels this way. Good luck fishing. [fishin][/size][/font][/#000000]
Good to know, I bought the talapia frozen from Walmart and assumed it would be fine. Didn't think it was any different than using shrimp. Thanks for the info. I'm gonna have to try that hotdog rig coyote. I know those kitties love hotdogs!
FROZEN fish is fine in most places. (Be SURE to read the current rules brochure for your specific body of water as to what's allowed there.)

Ask the fishmonger at your local martmart if he has any fish/shrimp/clams he's about to discard. Assure him it's to be used for bait only and you might even get some for free.
From the fishing guidebook:
Quote:• Dead, fresh or [size 4]frozen saltwater species[/size], including sardines and anchovies, may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Dead mountain sucker, white sucker, Utah sucker, redside shiner, speckled dace, mottled sculpin, fathead minnow, Utah chub and common carp may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.

Tilapia ain't a saltwater species. And they ain't listed with the other acceptable species.
aren't Tilapia one of them convertible types? Can adapt to salt or fresh water? I could be wrong. wouldn't be the first, or last.

Been wondering about Cisco. I know they are particularly endemic to Bear Lake, and are great for bait (dead of course) up that ways, but can they be used elsewhere, or are they specific to that water.

In states where legal, that hot dog rig is also suggested to hold live minnows, one on each hook, then the swim abouts and all.
Quote:• Dead Bonneville cisco may be used as bait only in Bear Lake.

Quote:Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish, inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers and lakes, and less commonly found living in brackish water.

Brackish ain't salt water.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Why not just use the best bait:[/#800000][/font]

[Image: ChickenLiverNBlood-s_zps7c949bb9.jpg]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Thanks Fishrman, I was just being too lazy to look it up. Someone else mentioned using Cisco, and I was thinnin' "I don't think so".

So Bob - you ever catch anything on that there dough? I've tried a few dough varieties, but usually end up drying out on me before I hook up anything on 'em... some of the dip baits and such to. Just don't wanna spill that goo, eeuuwww.
[quote CoyoteSpinner]So Bob - you ever catch anything on that there dough? I've tried a few dough varieties, but usually end up drying out on me before I hook up anything on 'em... some of the dip baits and such to. Just don't wanna spill that goo, eeuuwww.[/quote][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Magic Bait comes in a re-sealable bag and I keep that in a zip lock bag, so it doesn’t dry out. And yes, I have caught dozens of catfish on it. I’ve never gone head-to-head with TubeDudes home brew, but it’s WAY easier for me to just buy something rather than make it myself.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]"I’ve never gone head-to-head with TubeDudes home brew, but it’s WAY easier for me to just buy something rather than make it myself.[/#800000][/font]"

[#0000FF]Hey Bob, some of those commercially sold dough baits work quite some places...some of the time. If you are fishing strictly for cats they are scienteriffically concocted to appeal to the funky olfactories in those species.

I have used them in various kitty venues around the mixed results. In my own biased opinion they work best in low light conditions (night), in murky waters and in colder water where fish are not actively chasing "normal" prey items. In clear waters channel cats, flatheads and other species commonly become sight feeders and target live prey...and hit lures better too.

I use minnows a lot. Catfish love them but minnows also give me a shot at wipers, walleyes and other species too. Fishing cut bait...carp, white bass, perch meat, etc...can also produce species other than cats but not as well as minnows.

I don't really make up any exotic "home brew" for cats. But I do harvest and process (freeze) minnows...and cut up and freeze both carp meat and white bass. And I sometimes keep small white bass and perch to be used whole as "minnows"...where legal.

As you pointed out, the prepared baits are handy. They are molded into bait sized nuggets...that are firm enough to stay on the hook well. And many of them are not the "toxic waste" stuff like some "dip baits". If you handle them properly and wash your hands after using they will not render you unfit for mingling with other humans. And you need to be especially conscious of not grabbing something to eat without washing up first. Peanut butter, jelly and catfish bait sammiches just don't make it.

Being packaged in resealable containers is good too. You can double bag them and keep them in your refrigerator without consulting a marriage counselor...or divorce attorney.

I have just been using chunks of chicken breast marinated in a nasty sauce consisting of 2 bulbs of garlic, cheese, peanut butter, Worcestershire sauce, and some other random stuff, including a bit of noni juice [Image: happy.gif] all blended up. Stinks to high hell but I've been catching cat on it pretty well. My brothers and I caught 6 in about a 2 hour period.
Try beef kidneys they are not easy to get off your hook and are very bloody i have caught 80 to 98 pounders on it.
[#0000FF]Not surprising. Catfish will hit almost anything with a bit of "scent". But I would bet that you would catch almost as many...if not more...using a plain piece of chicken meat.

Catfish love cheese...all kinds. And they love garlic too. But adding all that other stuff is kinda like overkill...or like wetting your pants in the dark. Nobody else knows you are doing it but it gives you a nice warm feeling.

Using plain old minnows and white bass meat I caught a dozen cats myself last Tuesday in a little over an hour. And I didn't have to wear a hazmat suit or nose plugs.

I never sneeze to be demazed at the wild and crazy concoctions folks come up with to catch catfish. And because those silly fish actually eat it they have suddenly discovered the world's greatest catfish bait.

But...whatever works for you. That's all that is important.
HAHAHA I haven't had to use a hazmat suit or nose plugs yet, but you never know what my brother will come up with next. I have just been using it at some of the community ponds. I haven't had a chance to get down to the river or to utah lake.

I by no means think my bait is the best bait in the world. I tried this and it has worked for me so I figured I'd share. I will try some regular chicken or shrimp when this stuff runs out. Probably save me some time and stench.
[cool][#0000FF]The catfish in community ponds are "farm raised" and have not lived in a natural environment long enough to "pattern" on more "natural" minnows, crawdads or flesh from fish of other species. But they have basic instincts that kick in whenever something new and attractive shows up on the menu. And, as mentioned, some flavors seem to instinctively attract catfish.

I have not fished the community ponds too much myself, but have participated with the DWR youth programs. I have brought along some of my fave Utah Lake catfish minnows, carp meat, etc...and the young anglers have done well with it. I know a lot of folks do well with chicken parts, shrimp and hot dogs.

Not much they WON'T eat. But if you can fish without protective gear (for you and your clothes) that makes it more enjoyable.
[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000FF][b]The catfish in community ponds are "farm raised" and have not lived in a natural environment long enough to "pattern" on more "natural" minnows, crawdads or flesh from fish of other species.

Why then are they eligible for state records ........????

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