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Turtle Fishing
yep that's right Turtle fishing,

I know you all may have wondered a time or two what I do when we have no ice, Well, to tell you the truth, I spend a lot of time praying for ice. and a little turtle fishing, Here in Michigan we have 2 months of turtle season. we are allotted 2 common snappers and 2 soft shell snappers per season. and yes I catch both, but seldom target the soft shells any more because I am not interested in catching something I cant eat.

not every one knows a lot about turtle fishing, and ever fewer than that will take up the great sport of turtle fishing because it requires a lot of time and patients.

true a few people will hunt them on land, I will too if the opportunity presents it self, I found I have more luck fishing for them in the water. and yes I release all I catch except

If you would like to see what I have done so far this year you can take a peek of this years album to see some mighty fine turtle fishing.

[url ""][#0000ff]2013[/#0000ff][/url]

[url ""][Image: DSCN1839.JPG][/url]
In this photo is the boys to whom I took under my wing this summer to show them the ropes of turtle fishing.
You had my interest at turtle fishing. Now I'm enamored by the beard, magnificent!
[url "javascript:;"][Image: mike_turtle.jpg][/url]here is a 30 pound common snapper.

here is a baby snapper
[url "javascript:;"][Image: DSCN0974.JPG][/url]
How do you cook them up?

I was kind of hoping you caught turtles throught the ice![Wink]
I've had turtle soup before, was better than I was expecting.
you cook them vary slowly [:p]
throw every veggie growing in the garden in with him, The more the merrier.[:p] if ya think you dont have enough veriety go get sum from the local market.
use condenced creem of mushroom soup for your soup stock at or near the end. It helps to add fresh mushrooms near the end too.

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