06-23-2014, 04:00 PM
Cold Lake is one of the few lakes in the province where you can still keep walleye without a tag. This is not due to the abundance of walleye though, but rather due to fisheries not managing this as a walleye fishery. They don't seem to care what happens to the population
ly. So for now you can keep some but they sure are elusive and after fishing a few days for them I finally managed to catch three. There are much better walleye lakes in the province and if you are just after walleye you probably could spend your time better somewhere else. Consider trying near by Moose Lake or Marie Lake that are loaded with walleye and where you can also keep one for the dinner table. If you do go to Cold Lake you will have a lot more fun fishing for the abundant pike and Lake trout that come in very large sizes at this lake. Hope you enjoy the video.
