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Couple of Big Ones from Monday and Tuesday
I took Mike Lane and Wanda Stewart on Monday evening, the first cast Mike made he got spooled, and lost all of his line, on his gear.

[Image: image_zpsuyvmxn8l.jpg]

and Wanda caught the most beautiful Bull Red I've seen in a long time.

[Image: image_zpsovtoqipe.jpg]

We wound up catching around 10 of them in just a short while, yall have probably seen the video, if not, here's the link,

Then the next day, I took a couple from Montanna out. When we pulled up, I told them, "do you see them?" They couldn't see em but I could, I casted out and the first cast and it was on, but before I could put the rod in Mrs. Carla's hands the fish spit the hook.

We caught several more afterwards, however I only have one picture due to my iphone dying on me.

[Image: image_zpsflfaku7u.jpg]

Anyways, I'm headed back down today to fish Friday and Saturday. I'll put up a report when I get back.

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