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Trump vs Megyn Kelly FOX
Trump is skipping the IOWA fox debate thursday, does it matter? do you care? should a presidental candidate 'skip' a debate cause he doesnt like the questions or a moderator? Questions are too tough? will anyone remember next monday ?

[quote roosevelt]Trump is skipping the IOWA fox debate thursday, does it matter? [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Only to Iowans.[/#800000][/font]

do you care? [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Hell no.[/#800000][/font]

should a presidental candidate 'skip' a debate cause he doesnt like the questions or a moderator? [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]And you know for a fact those were his reasons how?[/#800000][/font]

Questions are too tough? [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Yea; right![/#800000][/font]

will anyone remember next monday ? [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Only Iowans.[/#800000][/font]

[shocked][/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Are you on a steady diet of the kool-aid?[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][cool][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
How can anybody serious about our country be for a loud mouthed nutter like trump, who has never held public office and knows nothing, besides what "the people calling him" are saying . . .is it just hes "not pc" ??? he "tells it like it is" right? well i know that 40% or so of the population is certifiably nuts, but we have nowhere to put em but a few red states . . just watchin it play out, its crazeeeeeeeeeeeeee mannnnnnnnnnnnn

roosevelt e. roosevelt
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]What’s crazy is the liberal fruitcakes thinking that socialism or democratic policy is going to do anything other than put more and more people on the government dole, increase the national debt, and increasingly make it more difficult for honest. hard working folks who actually want to take responsivity for their lives along with their family’s lives to be successful in life.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Your continual spewing of unfounded claims (40% or so of the population is certifiably nuts & when bush left office we were loosing 850,000 jobs per month, under Pres Obama we've been gaining 200K per month for something like 6 years straight) is classic liberal bovine excrement. Here’s a news flash for you; according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, when the dipstick in the oval office started in January 2008, the rate was 5%. And as of December 2015, the rate was – wait for it – [#000000]5%[/#000000]. How do your very feeble math skills turn a 7-year net zero gain in unemployment into a 200K per month gain?[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]If you want to score some points, you may just want to start by backing up your talking points with some cold, hard facts instead of endlessly quoting from the DNC talking points memo sent to all the zombies in the Democratic Party that haven’t had an original thought in the last 2 or 3 generations.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Of course, on the other hand, your mindless, unfounded babble is always good for a chuckle or two for most of the folks on here every time you post your feeble attempts at persuasion. So keep ‘em comin’ because as Reader’s Digest says: ‘Laughter is the best medicine.’[/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Pres. Obama took office on Jan 20, 2009 NOT 2008 . . you may want to look over the facts again . . the repooplinuts always ruin the economy and only profit the ultra rich - the hard working people you speak of that want to get ahead should be voting straight democratic ticket . . we need lower taxes for anyone making less that 175K per household . . capital gains need to go to 35-45% and the top rate for income needs to go back to 90% to make up for 35 years of reaganomics

everything always goes to pot when the stinking repoops are in office, its a fact, look it up . .
no problem bobby doo, ill doo your homework for yah:

look at the graph as the easy money do nothing jobs in mortgage inflation and bank fraud created by the repooplinut bubble drives the economy into the dirt . . and watch the democratic party steadily take control of the economy until its now at 4.9% unemployment and still droppiong, prob will be 4.5 by nov election.

repoops talk alotta bovine excrement, but they tank the economy every single time

join the intelligent coalition of progressive thinkers ! flush the repoops down the crapper !!!

[quote roosevelt]Pres. Obama took office on Jan 20, 2009 NOT 2008[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]You, of course, are correct on that - my bad. However, taking a second look from THAT date we find that the dipstick took office with a rate of 7.8%. The Dimwits were in control of the Presidency and both Houses of Congress. January 2010 saw us with a rate of 9.8%. January 2011 saw us with a rate of 9.1%. So for 2 years of Dimwit control of all three government functions we show a net GAIN for the 2-year period. In 2011, we took control of the House of Representatives. Fast forward to January 2012; the rate is now at 8.3%. Jump to January 2013; rate is now at 8.0%. So with 2 years of the House of Representatives controled by us, the unemployment rate is now down by 1.1%.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Let's move forward another 2 years with the House of Representatives controlled by us and we find the rate at 5.5%. Ouch, that has to hurt. We're in control of the House of Representatives and the unemployment rate has gone down a total over 4 years of 4.4%. And now , in January 2015, we take over control of the Senate as well. And one year later we arrive at an unemployment rate at 5.0%. Double ouch - that REALLY must hurt a lot! [/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]And you have the audacity to claim that the dipstick and the dimwits are responsible for a 200,000 per month decrease in the unemployment numbers? You need to retake ALL your math classes because you really don't have a clue what's happening.[/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
. . . and the repooplinutsos have passed no legislation, no economic bills, nothing , nada, they have obstructed everything - that is all, so yah its you !!!! you boobie doo-rag kool aid drinker, supreme comedienne, that is so full of that bovine excrement you are so fond of talkin bout . .

dont worry bernie will protect your socialist govern\ment handout, your social security cheque, and take care of your government healthcare coverage, medicare, and your prescription drug payoff that you so desperately need


ps oh and youre still reading that graph wrong mr engineer - keep drinkin that kool aid, and providing that comic relief
and you are down to some bible thumpin canadian running for pastor in chief, or a foul mouthed reality star twice divorced that is gonna get the lowest turnout in history . . . im thinking a total sweep or both houses of congress too

woooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooo

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Ah, Dimwit babble at its finest. Magnificent counter points backed up with a ton of data from ultra-reliable sources that truly will make us all think twice before going toe-to-toe with the mighty Roosevelt. What chance do ANY of us have against such genious and insight into the workings of the REAL world order? None I say; we must abandon any such attempt.[/#800000][/font]

[Image: rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
all u can do is point fingers and call names . . Pres Obama won twice . . repooplinutters only obstruct, no new ideas: keep em afraid of the brown people, authoritarian bs, more killing innocents in illegal wars, blame china instead or us corps, build a wall, ect ect

watch this its on netflix ASAP soldier ->

do it now, slurp up those facts

rosey the relaxed ringleader of reasoning
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]all u can do is spout Dimwit babble . . Pres George W Bush & Reagan won twice . . Dimwits only tax and spend more, no new ideas in decades, keep all colors under the tight control of the government - cradle to grave, kill capitalism (the REAL generator of prosperity) at all costs, borrow more from china instead of balancing the federal budget, provide free medical care to all illegals while forcing real citizens to pay through the nose for it, etc., etc., etc.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]all u can do is spout Dimwit babble . .

[#FF0000]no ive got facts and lots of em[/#FF0000]

Pres George W Bush & Reagan won twice . .

[#FF0000]big whoop, people are idiots to eat those feelgood lies[/#FF0000]

Dimwits only tax and spend more, no new ideas in decades,
Obamacare, lily ledbetter, marriage rights for all, that's only a few of our new ideas, weve got many more like legalizing all drugs in all states, emptying oiur prisons, single payer healthcare as a birthright, taxing the ultra rich at 92% rate for anything over 10 million a year, slashing the military budget by 60%[/#FF0000]

keep all colors under the tight control of the government

[#FF0000]the usual repooplinut lie, nobody wants control, they want bridges that dont crumble and water that doesnt poison our kids [/#FF0000]

- cradle to grave, - [#FF0000]youre nuts[/#FF0000]

kill capitalism (the REAL generator of prosperity) at all costs,
economy has flourished under Pres Obamas democratic administration, [/#FF0000]

borrow more from china instead of balancing the federal budget,

[#FF0000]too complicated for you, record stock market and lowest loan rate in history[/#FF0000]

provide free medical care to all illegals while forcing real citizens to pay through the nose for it, etc., etc., etc.

[#FF0000] no illegals get any care, or payments, or checks, or free rent, or a phone, get this straight, the old way, we all paid for the non paying, the underemployed, those non union workers who arent guaranteed health care with their lousy crummy jobs, NOW WITH OBAMACARE, THEY MUST PAY, WE ALL MUST PAY, SO US WORKING SLOBS DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM ANYMORE !!!!!! ITS INSURANCE REGULATION THATS WHAT OBAMACARE IS, IF WE COULD CUT THE PROFIT FROM THE STINKIN INSURANCE COMPANIES, WE'D ALL HAVE TONS MORE CASH - but HEY YOU GOT YOUR SOCIALISTIC GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE AND YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK . . YOU HYPOCRITE - SO ALL YOU CAN DO IS WATCH FOX ALL DAY AND SPOUT THE HATE .. .
well you gotta learn to loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee babyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and feeel the bernnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

rosey the robust wrangler of love[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 2] [/size][/#800000][/font]
[quote roosevelt][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]all u can do is spout Dimwit babble . .

[#ff0000]no ive got facts and lots of em[/#ff0000] [#000000]That may be true, but you haven't posted any of them yet. All you do is continue to spout Dimwit babble.[/#000000]

Pres George W Bush & Reagan won twice . .

[#ff0000]big whoop, people are idiots to eat those feelgood lies[/#ff0000] [#000000]So now you're telling me that George W and Reagan winning twice is a feel good lie? Man, you really DON"T have a grasp of historical FACT.[/#000000]

Dimwits only tax and spend more, no new ideas in decades,
Obamacare [#000000]([/#000000][#000000]forced government program on all citizens without determining need or want) [/#000000], lily ledbetter, marriage rights for all [#000000](there isn't a single, non-cult religion on earth that doesn't believe marriage by definition is between a man and a woman. I have absolutely no problem with consensual same sex pairings. However, they should be granted a civil contract to do so, not a marriage license.)[/#000000], that's only a few of our new ideas, weve got many more like legalizing all drugs in all states [#000000](now there's a great idea; let's create millions of stoners and crack heads to efficiently run society. What could possibly be wrong with that picture?)[/#000000], emptying oiur prisons [#000000](there you go, lets put all the criminals back into society at large and make everybody's lives safer and less stressful)[/#000000], single payer healthcare as a birthright [#000000](bullshit, show me where it says that in writing)[/#000000], taxing the ultra rich at 92% rate for anything over 10 million a year [#000000](here's a much better idea - tax EVERYBODY at the same rate with absolutely no deductions for anything and no exemptions. If you make a dollar a year, you give X% to the government; if you make 10 billion a year, you give the same X%. No loopholes. File on a postcard. Eliminate 99.9999% of the IRS. Simple; efficient; fair - EVERYBODY pays.)[/#000000], slashing the military budget by 60% [#000000](Yep, lets destroy the ONLY thing that keeps our country safe [/#000000][/#ff0000][#000000] and a world leader of democracy)[/#000000]

keep all colors under the tight control of the government

[#ff0000]the usual repooplinut lie, nobody wants control [#000000](what bloody planet do you live on? The Dimwits don't want to control? The Dimwits are ALL about controlling the masses by making them totally dependent on the government for all of their wants and needs rather than allowing them to choose what they want and need and are willing to work for.)[/#000000], they want bridges that dont crumble and water that doesnt poison our kids [#000000](then vote the dam Dimwits out of control, adopt term limits at every level of government, and make EVERY citizen a contributing member by making them take responsibility for their own lives as well as the lives of their family)[/#000000][/#ff0000]

- cradle to grave, - [#ff0000]youre nuts[/#ff0000] [#000000](why, because the truth hurts?)[/#000000]

kill capitalism (the REAL generator of prosperity) at all costs,
economy has flourished under Pres Obamas democratic administration[/#ff0000] [#000000](Actually, the economy has flourished IN SPITE of the dipstick in the White House and his asylum full of Dimwits)[/#000000]

borrow more from china instead of balancing the federal budget,

[#ff0000]too complicated for you, record stock market and lowest loan rate in history[/#ff0000] [#000000](It's called Capitalism and nothing the Dimwits did caused it, and we're still up to our eyeballs in debt to china regardless of any loan rate)[/#000000]

provide free medical care to all illegals while forcing real citizens to pay through the nose for it, etc., etc., etc.

[#ff0000] no illegals get any care [#000000](pull your head out of that very deep and dark hole you have it shoved in, and do some fact checking. ANY illegal in this country can enter ANY public hospital with ANY medical condition and will receive free medical treatment if unable to pay)[/#000000], or payments, or checks [#000000](once again, pull it out and check the facts; there are programs that give government checks to illegals for family support)[/#000000], or free rent, or a phone, get this straight, the old way, we all paid for the non paying, the underemployed, those non union workers who arent guaranteed health care with their lousy crummy jobs, NOW WITH OBAMACARE, THEY MUST PAY, WE ALL MUST PAY [#000000](AND EVERYBODY PAYS MORE THAN THEY DID BEFORE - EVEN THOSE THAT DON'T WANT IT OR NEED IT.)[/#000000] SO US WORKING SLOBS DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM ANYMORE !!!!!! (YOU'RE STILL PAYING FOR THEM WITH HIGHER INSURANCE FEES THAT YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE IS NOW PAYING. OPEN YOUR EYES AND ACTUALLY READ THE WRITTING ON THE WALL) FOR BEING USED FOR ITS INSURANCE REGULATION THATS WHAT OBAMACARE IS, IF WE COULD CUT THE PROFIT FROM THE STINKIN INSURANCE COMPANIES, WE'D ALL HAVE TONS MORE CASH - but HEY YOU GOT YOUR SOCIALISTIC GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE AND YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK [#000000](AND I PAID, IN FULL, FOR BOTH BY TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ME AND MINE FOR MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. I NEVER TOOK A FOOD STAMP, UNEMPLOYMENT, OR ASKED FOR ANY HANDOUTS FROM ANYBODY. I EARNED EVERYTHING I NOW HAVE - CAN YOU SAY THE SAME?)[/#000000] . . YOU HYPOCRITE - SO ALL YOU CAN DO IS WATCH FOX ALL DAY AND SPOUT THE HATE .. . [#000000](I WATCH AND READ MANY SOURCES FOR FACTUAL INFORMATION ON WHAT IS ACTUALLY AFFECTING MY LIFE. AND I DON'T MINDLESSLY SPOUT POLITICAL TALKING POINTS BABBLE FROM ANY POLITICAL PARTY EVER.)[/#000000]
well you gotta learn to loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee babyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and feeel the bernnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

rosey the robust wrangler of love[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font][/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]This has been fun bantering with you, but has run its course. As George Bernard Shaw once alluded to, wrestling with pigs just makes you dirty and the pigs love it. I'm thankful that I'm as old as I am, because it means I won't ever live to see the death and destruction that will happen in our country should people of your ilk get their way and actually destroy our way of life.[/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
This member has been banned for a month for name calling, this is his second ban for the same offence. It seems some people just can't take it, when the facts are given to them, so they feel by calling someone names that will prove they are right but it doesn't.
A little bantering here and there is fun at times and only on the appropriate board for it. I agree that we never make personal attacks under any circumstance.[:/]

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