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fishing plans this weekend
saturday's adgenda is a trip to gander mountain in saganaw , stop by franks sporting goods and get fishingirl her first steelhead rod , take a run over to tip up town with the family , stop by wally world to get a new piece of equipment . and go to dinner with bassass .

sunday's itenerary is heading over to dunham lake for some ice time with a couple guys from work . fish fry to follow , lol !

what are you doing ?
saturday going fishing

sunday going fishing
and a very good dinner it was...thanks again ..wish we could have visted longer tho..maybe next time ....

next time is on us...... [crazy]
well we picked up a new camera at wally world , 4.0 mega pixel . reall takes a great pic .

fishingirl is getting her practice with it . i picked up a couple dosen packs of the worms . got a new ugly stick too , i also picked up some hooks for my jig mold , now i have to scrounge up my old lead and get to work .

we both had a great time and are looking forward to the next one .
is fishingirl going to enter the ice fishging derby?
i wish she would but she's not one for walking on water ! it's too cold , she says .

i wonder if she plans on tring to walk on it when it's warm out , lol !

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