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My new ride
Mr brown shorts brought me my new ride. It is a a NorthFork Outdoors Outlaw Escape. I can not wait to try her out. It is replacing a NFO H3 that was probably close to 10 years old. That was a great boat I can not wait to get this one on the water and fishing. Here are a couple of pics as I assembled her and one of the cutest fusing girl in the world. I am looking forward to seeing how easily this boat moves around with the oars instead of always kicking.
Congratulations. Nice boat.

Just goes to prove that both tubes and kids get older with time. Some of us anglers too.

Let me know if you need some assistance in setting up your "accessories".
That is my youngest. I have started taking the oldest out with me in my old tube and she just loves going along with Dad some times, and you can not beat that.
[#0000FF]You got that right. My kids were all "early tubers". And it carried over into the next generation.

Here's a pic of 3 generations of family tubers...Dad, son and grandson.

[inline "3 GENERATIONS.jpg"]

That's one of the great things about float tubing. You can stay close to the youngsters in case of problems. But you can let them have some freedom and individuality to develop self-confidence.

That is a great picture TD. I am glad my girls like to come out and fish a little bit.
[quote Majja]Mr brown shorts brought me my new ride. It is a a NorthFork Outdoors Outlaw Escape. I can not wait to try her out. It is replacing a NFO H3 that was probably close to 10 years old. That was a great boat I can not wait to get this one on the water and fishing. Here are a couple of pics as I assembled her and one of the cutest fusing girl in the world. I am looking forward to seeing how easily this boat moves around with the oars instead of always kicking.[/quote]

Nice boat and pics from everyone!

My 50 #grand daughter rides behind me sitting on foam life jackets in my ODC V Tube which allows balance whether she is in or out. She's a swimmer and we go to safe chest deep calm sections of the river with her toy foam board. She likes to ride the board through the very minor rapics and I follow in the ODC.


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